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Fifty Dead Innocents

  • Craze
  • 05/06/2010 01:49 AM
The second chapter of In Praise of Peace (now complete!) has you escaping through a bandit-infested tunnel. Due to a certain prior event, they aren't as hospitable as they once were to Padrick's team of divine justicars. As such, you have to fight them off as you run through the tunnel - turning around would place you right into the hands of the Salenar military.

This means that you kill a lot of people. Innocent people. Currently dead innocent people.

Sometimes, you can't always practice what you preach, even if that preaching is Padrick saying that you should only kill those who absolutely need to be killed. This eventually tears Padrick apart as Salvation (the aforementioned team) continues to spiral away from its original goals.

Killing people: it matters in this game.


Pages: 1
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
When you say innocents do you mean like competent soldiers who are just doing their jobs and have no political affiliation or do you mean HELPLESS COWERING CIVILIANS?

If the latter, it would be interesting if you meant within the battle system, not a cutscene.

why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
When you say innocents do you mean like competent soldiers who are just doing their jobs and have no political affiliation or do you mean HELPLESS COWERING CIVILIANS?

If the latter, it would be interesting if you meant within the battle system, not a cutscene.

Soliders at first, then any of the tunnel-folk that attack. The characters are doing what they must, not acting antagonistically.
Pages: 1