Art Completed, time to edit!
- Snke
- 05/18/2010 09:13 AM
So, at this point almost all basic character art is complete (that's obviously, just for the first chapter). What is remaining - minor characters, like Chrad's Elder and four Keepers (except Skay). From this point I'll be adding emotions (several emotions for each character). And I think I'll skip minor characters for now, because they appear only in one scene each and don't get much lines.
What done:
5 main characters
4 Key Characters
2 episodic characters
Hufff... That's a lot... And more are coming in further chapters.
Also I'm still designing overdrive system. Monster overdrive is ready, overdrive for party is still designing.
Also I'm working on alchemy system, which will be really helpfull in the adventures. As soon as I'll develop it, I'll post more details.
That's all for now.