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Alter A.I.L.A. is on the following playlists...
Play List User Description
Play List tcaud Default Playlist
Play List XRaySpectre Default Playlist
Games that I like or have RogerJr Just interesting for me games
Play List Pheadona Default Playlist
Play List Sph21ere Default Playlist
Best Rmk2000/2003 games TheRpgmakerAddict my rmk2000/20003 vault of games
Play List hikaru3 Default Playlist
Play List matski Default Playlist
Play List Jubileee Default Playlist
Play List sen1130 Default Playlist
Unfinished Versus Games I'm currently playing/I haven't played yet
Play List unclet Default Playlist
Play List Regalia776 Default Playlist
Favorite Games Completed eplipswich My favorite great RPG Maker games that I have completed. I highly recommend these games. They are definitely worth trying out at least once.
Play List rncobernroxan Default Playlist
Play List nispinggrov Default Playlist
Play List Bossy704 Default Playlist
Play List TrollKing96 Default Playlist
Games I've completed SadrackVonArten Basically every RPGMaker game I've played and completed on this website.
Play List strolts Default Playlist
To be played Cartylove Games that I might play or might not, given the chance I finish other games(I like to slack on long games especially).
Old Favorites ModeGone Games I remember loving in the past. Currently before the year 2017. Some of these are dead, sadly, and some I would love to had placed in this list are no longer available at all.
RPGs ModeGone Original RPGs that are a blast. Whether it is plotline, graphics, or something unusual about the combat system.
Old Favourites sixfootblue Collection of memorable games/demos for me from way back.
Faves Alastair The best games on RMN
Shmup Spectacular kentona Only these games are worthy of frontpage recognition
Robots make games better kentona Games with robots in them
Stuff that looks good Flipperlolrs anything
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