IN 2007...
A terrorist organization who called themselves Society sought to unleash total chaos on Earth. After retrieving the three Chaos Stones, they quickly put their plan into motion, releasing a deadly entity, Zeke Marshall, in the process. After attempting to create a new world using the stones' powers, Zeke was defeated by the Celestial Prince and his eleven companions. Zeke was destroyed, Society disbanded, the world returned to normal, and the Chaos Stones were never seen again...
Jazz Singer Kyon Lei Kwon has come to Rodger City for help after being stalked by a mysterious foe who calls himself "Face." Chep Myers instructs his best officer, Eric Ventura, to guard and protect her. This mission takes a turn for the worst when Face crashes the scene and attacks Eric with one of his demons. While unconscious, Eric hears a mysterious voice that greats him magical ability and a sword, both of Relman origin, and tells him to "protect the Princess."
Eric uses this to save the singer, but his mission is far from over. He soon learns of the Twelve Demons of Chaos, a group of vicious beasts who terrorized the Realm dimension. Their combined strength created the original chaos stones and after losing the war to Celestia, they fled to Earth, where they thought they would be safe. After the events of ten years ago, the stones broke apart and separated, entering twelve human bodies, where they lie dormant...waiting for the moment where they are able to regain their full power once again.
Eric and Face both race to find the twelve demons, but the battle lines aren't entirely clear once motives become clear and manipulation sweeps in. Can Eric and his friends follow this voice that has been guiding them, or does the voice have a mind of its own? Will Face succeed in retrieving all twelve demons, and what does he plan to do with them? Furthermore, how will the emergence of "Unity" come into play? This is war between Earth, Realm, Celestia, and dimensions all over... This is Complete Chaos!
A terrorist organization who called themselves Society sought to unleash total chaos on Earth. After retrieving the three Chaos Stones, they quickly put their plan into motion, releasing a deadly entity, Zeke Marshall, in the process. After attempting to create a new world using the stones' powers, Zeke was defeated by the Celestial Prince and his eleven companions. Zeke was destroyed, Society disbanded, the world returned to normal, and the Chaos Stones were never seen again...
Jazz Singer Kyon Lei Kwon has come to Rodger City for help after being stalked by a mysterious foe who calls himself "Face." Chep Myers instructs his best officer, Eric Ventura, to guard and protect her. This mission takes a turn for the worst when Face crashes the scene and attacks Eric with one of his demons. While unconscious, Eric hears a mysterious voice that greats him magical ability and a sword, both of Relman origin, and tells him to "protect the Princess."
Eric uses this to save the singer, but his mission is far from over. He soon learns of the Twelve Demons of Chaos, a group of vicious beasts who terrorized the Realm dimension. Their combined strength created the original chaos stones and after losing the war to Celestia, they fled to Earth, where they thought they would be safe. After the events of ten years ago, the stones broke apart and separated, entering twelve human bodies, where they lie dormant...waiting for the moment where they are able to regain their full power once again.
Eric and Face both race to find the twelve demons, but the battle lines aren't entirely clear once motives become clear and manipulation sweeps in. Can Eric and his friends follow this voice that has been guiding them, or does the voice have a mind of its own? Will Face succeed in retrieving all twelve demons, and what does he plan to do with them? Furthermore, how will the emergence of "Unity" come into play? This is war between Earth, Realm, Celestia, and dimensions all over... This is Complete Chaos!