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  • Added: 10/14/2011 08:19 AM
  • Last updated: 12/29/2024 02:08 AM


Pages: 1
I'm a dog pirate
Best one so far!
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
This map is somewhat less subtle than mine. : )
Nice! ...I find the blood to be a little too blurry, but that's not a big deal. :P
Let me guess what happened in this picture:

La,de,da, i'm walking down the stairs, dripping ketchup all over my shoes for no reason...OH GOD A RAT, KILL IT!! KILL IT!!

*kills the rat*

Ok... ketchup everywhere, i better start cleaning it up...

*reaches for door, rat comes back to life, kills her, drags her away.*

The end.
Pages: 1