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V.3.0 Uploaded!

  • Ronove
  • 06/18/2013 04:50 AM

I just wanted to stop by and tell you folks that Star Stealing Prince has reached it's 3.0. What does this mean?

+ Fixed various flavor texts that can be seen as contradictory
+ Fixed up some dialogue
+ Fixed up some balancing issues in the beginning
+ Added clear indicator for secret passages
+ Docked the final boss's HP
+ And other little issues

Chances are unless something MAJOR is wrong, I won't upload a new version. Hopefully. Please, VX hates me, I hope I don't have to upload a new version.

You don't have to redownload it if you want to, but if you're curious what flavor texts I fixed or what dialogue I fixed, feel free to PM me. It's all to better transition to my sequel, Ephemeral Prince. It wasn't wrong in the game per se, but there were some lingering issues I just straight up forgot about. Now it's all straightened out. Please forgive me!

Have fun playing and thank you again for sticking with me.