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Never ending arts

Still have a lot to do. Stupid Cutscenes :I

Ragnarok Online Remix – Mintjam
Persona fan remixes
Ar Tonelico Loki
Atelier Ayesha Battle

Length: 2 hours and 11 minutes (33 minutes ish for video)
Still incomplete since I have to draw some effects, etc. But it shows how I color, hopefully. Done in a livestream session.

Tools used: Paint Tool Sai, Brush and Pen Tool. Nothing else.

Total Amount of Layers: 69


Pages: 1
Huh, 69 layers.
I only ever hit 10ish.

Nice picture :-)
This was incredibly cool to watch.
I think you're my favorite person in rpgmaker.net now. *___* /RO MUSIC YESYESYES
And your vid just made me want to go back to drawing again. Can I ask, what's the brush size you use for the line art?
Thank you guys ;w;

For the brush size, it depends on the canvas size.. I usually go from 1.5 - 7.
Pages: 1