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Tester recruitment!

If you couldn't already tell, this game is still in beta. Me and Mrzobmbieghost are working hard to get this thing running, but we as two people can't find all of the glitches in the game.

So here's where you, the people who might be slightly interested, come in!

So here's the thing: We need testers. Anybody who joins us will:

1. Be able to test the game out before everybody else! (The obvious reward for joining)
2. Get a few sneak peeks at future plot points (Now, as for HOW big these points might be...that's up for Mrzombieghost to decide. Even I don't know everything he does.)
3. Get our eternal love and gratitude (Seems fair enough.)

Current Testers

1. Clareain_Christopher
2. Sana


Pages: 1
Alright Sana and Christopher, you're now both testers!

I'll fill you in on your jobs through mail.
Pages: 1