Current Beta version: N/A
Current Beta tester registered: 0
Global Beta tester registered: 0/ Out of 1 Global beta testers registered.
Beta registration form submitted: 0
Private Beta tester Registered: 0
Beta testing registration scheduled:
Regular beta testing: TBD
Global Beta testing: Ongoing!
Global beta tester registration.
What is the global beta Testing program?
The global beta testing is a system where user can register themselves to test any game to be available soon as early than the regular beta testing without any hassle to register on any game beta testing availability one by one and a easier way to get in to the beta testing without writing a very long message on why you want to register for beta. Or getting denied for poor performance in testing.
Note: It is not required for you to register as a Global beta to test this game. But registering for Global beta can make your life easier to test other game in a near future without writing a long test saying "Why I want to join the beta..." every-time. You may register for a regular beta if you want to test this game only.
For more info about the global beta testing program visit the link below.
How to register for Global Beta Version(For Global Beta Tester User):
To register for global beta testing for this game user should have the following requirements:
how To register for the global beta testing for this game:
1. User should check their e-mail for their global beta testing code specifically for this game.
2. go to the official jomarcenter games official wordpress site or click here.
3. Click on the "global beta game registration" link on the site.
4. Follow the instruction precisely written in the link along with their code and e-mail for successful registration.
5. Wait for the e-mail from the registrant to validate your beta test code.
6. Your done, Enjoy and wait for the beta file to be release.
If there any problem with registration please contact us at the official jomarcenter games wordpress site.
thank you.
Current Beta version: N/A
Current Beta tester registered: 0
Global Beta tester registered: 0/ Out of 1 Global beta testers registered.
Beta registration form submitted: 0
Private Beta tester Registered: 0
Beta testing registration scheduled:
Regular beta testing: TBD
Global Beta testing: Ongoing!
Global beta tester registration.
What is the global beta Testing program?
The global beta testing is a system where user can register themselves to test any game to be available soon as early than the regular beta testing without any hassle to register on any game beta testing availability one by one and a easier way to get in to the beta testing without writing a very long message on why you want to register for beta. Or getting denied for poor performance in testing.
Note: It is not required for you to register as a Global beta to test this game. But registering for Global beta can make your life easier to test other game in a near future without writing a long test saying "Why I want to join the beta..." every-time. You may register for a regular beta if you want to test this game only.
For more info about the global beta testing program visit the link below.
How to register for Global Beta Version(For Global Beta Tester User):
To register for global beta testing for this game user should have the following requirements:
- User should have received their global beta registration code via their e-mail before or during the beta testing process.
- User should be available at anytime of the beta testing process, and also sent a usage report on the day of testing after they played and tested the game.
- User should also register their beta testing request via the official jomarcenter games wordpress site along with their registration code and also their username of the site to download their beta testing program/files.
- All global beta tester should sent in their report before the beta testing ends or their global beta testing privileges will be terminated.
how To register for the global beta testing for this game:
1. User should check their e-mail for their global beta testing code specifically for this game.
2. go to the official jomarcenter games official wordpress site or click here.
3. Click on the "global beta game registration" link on the site.
4. Follow the instruction precisely written in the link along with their code and e-mail for successful registration.
5. Wait for the e-mail from the registrant to validate your beta test code.
6. Your done, Enjoy and wait for the beta file to be release.
If there any problem with registration please contact us at the official jomarcenter games wordpress site.
thank you.