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Main Menu for the game.
  • jomarcentermjm
  • Added: 02/16/2013 07:25 AM
  • Last updated: 09/01/2024 01:10 AM


Pages: 1
That... doesn't look so bad, actually.
Simple but effective. Needs a better windowskin :)
Simple but effective. Needs a better windowskin :)
He could also not have a windowskin at all, lol :3
Simple but effective. Needs a better windowskin :)
He could also not have a windowskin at all, lol :3
Well that the plan. But unless if I found a good (Commercial use) script to remove it. Well this will be the current main menu. And also I will be releasing a no-battle demo sooner or later (Until I can build a better battle system) so watch out the blog and also the beta testing registration link for more info. But beta testing comes first before releasing the Demo so I recommend to register for regular beta tester or the global beta tester if you want to play early. :)
But unless if I found a good (Commercial use) script to remove it. Well this will be the current main menu.

Aaaaand...this is what reliance on scripting gets us, people who can't think of a way to do something incredibly simple without scripts. >_< Unless VX Ace removed one of the major functions of RPG Maker for customizing, there's exactly zero need for any sort of scripts to not have a 'window skin' on the opening title - and even if it did, the scripting required to do it would take about a minute to write up from scratch. <_<
Moghunter and Zerbu(There're probably more; just two examples) have both made great title scripts that let you really fix up a title screen, such as the placement, make it animated(if you want), and take the windowskin out of it~ Check up on those two if you really want a good title screen, Jomar. :)
Moghunter and Zerbu(There're probably more; just two examples) have both made great title scripts that let you really fix up a title screen, such as the placement, make it animated(if you want), and take the windowskin out of it~ Check up on those two if you really want a good title screen, Jomar. :)

Well I already checkout moghunter (And totally been translating what he/she said in english) But for Zerbu I don't see anything what he made except only made a few post in rpg maker web and rpg maker vx ace net and all his post are not script related. Even google isn't very helpful with the term "Zerbu rpg maker script". Can you show me all Zerbu before I will select which of the two script I will be using. Thanks.
It hurts my eyes. But yeah, good to see this project is still going. It's great that there's a game that makes me and all the bad developers look like Sailerus :3
Pages: 1