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Demo available!

First of all thanks to RMN for putting Sira in the New and Notable section! :)

So this first demo is up. If people like it i'll definitely continue the project! I'm glad I've got this demo up today as tomorrow i'll be moving flat so the next week's going to be a bit hectic; not much time for game development! Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think! Note that the game is still in development, the menus and ugly and superfluous!

Ps: I advise taking heed of the little message displayed on the main menu, if you play in a too well lit room you risk having difficulty seeing stuff ^^. Anyway, enjoy!


Pages: 1
I'm sorry, but if the game hadn't lagged so much for me, I would
have played it.

But I have one thing to say about the opening.
The car should be in a locked direction so it
doesn't look weird when going down.
Yeah, i can imagine that on some computers it could lag quite a bit with khas' awesome light effects! Sorry about that!

For the car, i had to choose between as you said, locking the direction or putting it how it is. I think in both cases its gonna look weird! ^^ if the direction were locked the car would suddenly jump down a case... Im gonna have a think about this, cause I'm wanting to use cars more in this project and in other ones i have in the pipeline!
Pages: 1