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New Game!

If you've been poking around the site lately, you've probably heard that there's a competition going on. I just submitted a game to it. A little about it: it's a short (1-2 hour) rpg about a witch, mud golem, and talking crow that climb a giant tree. Like always, I tried to put the story first, but this time I really wanted to stretch my capabilities as a developer. Expect good storytelling and a great soundtrack (my best to date, for sure), but also expect some much stronger, tighter gameplay mechanics, art, and mapping. I think it's the best game I've made so far by a good margin in terms of overall package.

Play it here: http://rpgmaker.net/games/6541/

Subscribe if you like it, and, feel free to vote for it once the voting opens up (which I'm thinking will be here in a day or two). Here's its submission page: http://contest.rpgmakerweb.com/game/view/id/404#.U7DVuLGmV0o

Hope you guys enjoy! I've been spending 12+ hour days on this one on month, so I'm pretty proud of it!


Pages: 1
Thanks, Miz! I hope you get a chance to play it.
Pages: 1