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New Bug fixed

Note: A new bug was detected in chapter 2. Map: The Forbidden forest 1. I added a text right before I posted the game and meant to set it on player touch. But set it to parallel process by mistake. Resulting in an endless lop as soon as you enter the map. This Bug has been fixed and I have included it in the new down lode.


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I hate to sound stupid but I dont get the puzzle with the buttons at all. I get red then green but everything else shocks me. Plus the plants keep putting me to sleep and kicking my ass. Running out of supplies too and that was a long ass maze just getting there finally. The other doors are confusing as well.
No worry's! I apresheate the feedback. This was actually what concerned me the most when I made the dungeon. And if to many players struggle with it. I may changed the clue to make it a little more obveos. The clue to to room with the buttons are located can be found in the entrance room with the 3 doors. Located to the left of the green save crystal.

Cedric will say that he remembers this being a code used to continue threw one of the rooms in the dungeon. And that it must be read from the top down. The code fore the Buttons is "Right red" "Left Blue" "Right Green" After that! The door will open. The last flame in the middle shows that the chest with the red flame is the correct one! Which you will see when you open the doorway.
By sheer luck I got past the room ogre but could never find the clue in the room. Also how do you hget to that heal gem? I have been all over and gotten beat by the guy in the top room but without the ability to heal I will never beat him because I am so low on HP and items.
Lol! The clue to the room with the Org is found in the same room. If you walk forward. You will see 6 torches that will flash on and off. After around 10 flashes. the torch lined up with the correct button will flash on and off fore a split second twice. Note: remember the color of the crystal the correct button was on.

The red crystal was originally a bonus for some one who was extremely observant. However, if its critical to completing the temple. I will try to make it more obvious.

If you look at the wall left of the door leading to the greenwood ace. There is a tile on the wall that is out of place from the others. But its vary minor. Walk up to it and it will trigger a bridge to rise out of the water and allow you assess to the red crystal.
tricky bugger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok let me do this.
Note: There was yet another bug found when switching from the Comet room map to the next map. wile freeing up space by deleting unnecessary files. I accidentally deleted the Music track that was supposed to go to that room :/ I have fixed the bug and have posted yet another down lode. Hopefully this one will be bug free.
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