In the year 2095, the planet's atmosphere is all but depleted of oxygen, but humanity hasn't lost its knack for survival. With a combination of advanced cybernetics, smart drugs, and protective gear, our species has secured a future where there should have been none. In order for many to live, however, some must go breathless... and their numbers are on the rise.
This episodic kinetic novel follows two young friends -- their lives so far untouched by the government's population control scheme -- who will soon discover that they were merely in the eye of the storm. And the winds are changing...
This episodic kinetic novel follows two young friends -- their lives so far untouched by the government's population control scheme -- who will soon discover that they were merely in the eye of the storm. And the winds are changing...
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- 09/24/2015 01:39 AM
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- 09/09/2014 03:08 AM
- 09/24/2015 01:39 AM
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