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Do you believe in love at first site?

  • Kylaila
  • 02/21/2016 03:03 PM
Relationship Maintance Network, or RMN or The Love Game, "Make my Score!" is a simple game-show-esque game where you pick one of three random characters as your date for the next evening.
You pick a question to ask from a certain selection, and you hear all three candidate's answers. You then pick your favorite answer and repeat!

Originally planned for last year's valentines, "Make my Score!" arrived shortly after this had passed one year later to reward everyone who waited patiently and paid the cleaning crew to dust them off regularily.

My first love..!

This game is simple in its gameplay and it offers a lot of replayability. Their is little to say in terms of mapping - there are two maps. The one you see, and another restaurant-kinda thing. They are decent and I quite like the soft color palette. The music, too, is rather soft and suits the game well without being overbearing or outstanding in any way.

At first glance it reminded me a lot of Bachelor's Game which was made for last year's valentine's day, however, it has a wider range of questions to be asked, to be answered, and allows for an actual person to have said this. It ends up as being the more versatile game of the two, and offering fun for a little longer.

You can either pick your avatar by either creating a new character, entering your name and picking one of 4 sprites - or by choosing one of the characters that are up to be dated as well (a little more than 50, with more being considered to be added later as DLC). You cannot date the person you already represent.
I still wonder whether I should create a dragon sprite for myself for the update.

The game is narrated by either our beloved Liberty, or a frightening not-so-frighting slenderman impersonator. Granted, Liberty graces you with her presence far more often. The sprites vary from character to character, and in rare instances clash in styles due to them being chosen or created by their respective person. While facesets have also been submitted, they are not used yet (I imagine they would results in a war of different artstyles, so that is fine by me)

I believe there are two main ways or routes to enjoy this - the first one is simply to go question by question, focusing on the answers at hand singled out.
The selection of questions seems quite ridiculous and full of humor, talking about the 3-tile-rule, RTP use and more, your needed waifu qualities, but it can actually be quite telling for the personalities, and a few less-game-mak-orientated questions are there, too. Very few, but they are there!

Answers can be sweet, charming, stupid or simply downright hilarious! Bad puns, jokes or serious answers are all spread throughout the many candidates. If "You received a pumpkin!" is not a romantic gesture, then nothing is.
You are then surprised by who actually put in all these lovely answers and get a randomly created match-making score from 1% to 100%. I have got the low end of the spectrum before .. but not the high end..

The other way to play this is to focus not on every round of answers, but on the participants as single forum entities and personalities. This makes it a guessing game of who-is-who, picking out their references and traits to pin their name to their shadow. Some are easy to note, like our lovely hostess herself, unity, or jokesters like Addit.
Others are more difficult to make out, like LockeZ, and this makes it a fun guessing game to test your knowledge of the many people you pass by and is certainly a lot of fun for regulars. At the same time you also learn little bits and pieces of everyone's love and relationship towards games. It also allows you to have a reason to praise people for valuing Shadow of the Colossus or Okami as they should (you are awesome!), or you can feel like you have become a better stalker and forum lurker.

The major downside of the game is that answers differ greatly from person to person, and that in turn a playthrough can range from boring to hilarious depending on who is waiting for you in their seats. It also means that with 3 people present at a time, and a pool of more than 50, it is very difficult to meet everyone even if you replay it many times. You often meet the same characters again and again before anyone new pops up.
The date that follows after your selection is really barebones as it is, as it is part of the features that are planned to be expanded on via DLC. It sadly also crashes from time to time but it is continously worked on.

All that said, it's RMN's official romance game!
It is short, it is silly, it has puns, and it is fun.


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Some are easy to note, like our lovely hostess herself, unity, or jokesters like Addit.

Am I really that easy to spot? Then again I don’t really remember half of the stuff that I gave out for my answers all that time ago.

Good review, though; a lot more in-depth than certainly Corfaisus’ one. (Sorry, buddy.)
Make the review you want to see in this world ~
Thank you!

Well, you are not as outstandingly different in language as are a few others (unity is probably sticking out the most with her sweet love-spreading answers with lots of her personality. the trio of nessy, caz n libby also was "very easy to spot" due to them being so outgoing, and also mentioning a lot of their projects. Being in the spotlight helps), but you do have a general lighthearted and slightly goofy rambling tone, and a habit of turning things around like adding stuff of "or where did I put it again?". Which is something few here do :) Both in approach and in style.
Looking at the DLC EKG actually comes close to the overall persona (altho in different style with more innuendo) .. yes I spoiled it for me.

Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
Yeah, after playing through the game I started feeling like I should've given more interesting and varied answers. Give the player something cute to chew on. Perhaps if there were an option to resubmit answers to make them more interesting and detailed, I'd gladly rewrite them. Great review, by the way.
@Cash: There is - go to the DLC page and you can update your answers there. And your sprite and faces.

Facesets were planned for the date portions of the game, where some chatter would actually occur between the two peeps. Hopefully the variety of the dates (and the areas you go) will make the disparity of styles not seem too clashy.

Also, thank you for the review Kylaila. Glad you enjoyed the game. I've just updated it to not have the no-date and no-answers bugs... and added something that your and EKG's playthrough brought to light. Hopefully it'll help future playthroughs~
Guardian of the Description Thread
I've thought about submitting new answers for the DLC, but, the original ones are something of a screenshot of my life, if one forgives the comparison.

Of course, I'm the kind of crazy that still has my original answers in a file, but, that's another story.
Wasn't sure if all of the no-answers are out, edited it out of the review! Gotta keep it updated.

And oh, whatever that might be ..? I will have to try and find out.
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