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Hunting demons for fun and profit!

Hello demon hunters!
Welcome here to play a game about a... demon hunter! "Demon Hunter" is a 2015 RPG Maker VX Ace game by Fernyfer775, and a pretty long epic adventure. So I'm asking you, are you ready for a game that will take you lots of time to complete, and I mean many many hours (20, more or less)?

Still here? Good! "Demon Hunter" isn't exactly your classic rpgmaker jrpg that imitates Final Fantasy, but it's more like Pokemon... with demons (well, that's Persona!)! Yes, because we play as a lonely hero, that thanks to a "capture" mechanic will never be alone in his battles. And this protagonist is Alex, a young chosen by the Holy Order. Like his best friend, he's instructed to start a long journey to defeat the evil entities known as "Legion"... and this is the beginning of a great adventure that will make him travel the world and face various challenges and opponents.

Domo arigato mister roboto! Oh I forgot to say that you can play the game with Alex in a drag queen outfit! Why not?

The gameplay is rather classic (aside for the "monster capture part" I mentioned earlier, of course!): visit dungeons with wandering enemies (thankfully no random battles!), fight bosses, witness story segments, travel the world and restock at the various villages. Nothing new, but all pretty well done! For example it includes a weapon/armor loot randomizer and a alchemy/crafting system! Not bad, like some other players I like these things. The crafting system is also very useful to beat the bosses and to earn extra money, but at the same time is not so unbalanced that you can abose of that. Anyway if you want to farm healing potions... well you can do that, why not?

Another peculiar thing is that the special attacks are unleashed by some quicktime events, a nice diversion even if I know that some players may find these annoying. Anyway the real key to win battles is to use harmful status conditions to debuff and wear down the boss enemies that usually are really tough and normaly requires a ton of damege to be defeated.

I like big fat men like you. When they fall they make more noise! Do not underestimate my little cow!

Oh and then there are the demons! Ok, you can collect many (65 capturable demons!) different creatures (the demon cow was my favourite!), some look original (like Spectre... seems an RTP ghost so, I guess it's not ripped from anywhere), others are obviously taken from other games, like Moggo (a Moogle from Final Fantasy) or Viviti (a classic Final Fantasy Dark Mage, looks like Vivi Ornitier) but each one has its own skills and abilities (some have nice attacks, others can heal), so you can build your party to suit your playstile, and remember that Alex is the first party member that you cannot drop. The good thing is that I found no useless ally, so just take and use the ones you prefer!

Visually the game is pretty good because it uses Rtps, edits (Alex's default sprite is clearly a charset made to recreate Sora from Kingdom Hearts) and assets taken from various sources, and while this sometimes creates a "visual dissonance" (see the giant on the picture above compared to the other characters, and mind that they're animated!), at least it makes the game varied and fresh. The presence of different facesets for the most important characters also makes dialogues more interesting. Mapping is also ok, while there are no areas that really stood out, most places were competantly realized and made without errors. Sound and music are also well selected, even if nothing new or special but still appropriate and good.

What a mess! So we must... well yes, no choice here, pity, I was just minding my business!

Final Verdict
"Demon Hunter" surprised me, because despite the bland name, it's a competenly made and very long adventure that tries to make something different from the usual jrpg games even if it does not really changes much from what concerns the gameplay, aside for the "gotta catch them all!" thing. Still this means that the system works really well and the story is also pretty much engaging and interesting. Combat is good and balanced, not easy and not impossible, even if the final battle will be a real challenge (but just that one, and being the endgame, I guess that's ok!). In the end a good game, and good, you know, means 4 out of 5!


Pages: 1
I guess you did use a more interesting party than I did.
Pages: 1