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Devlog 96: A Sound Decision

Hello guys,

This week, Jeff has been hard at work coding on the game in order for us to integrate our backlog of things.

The pronunciation sounds should be implemented this week.

The card mastery system is already coded in as well. We're aiming for a new release next week.

A special thanks to eplipswitch for providing his Japanese expertise and voice for the pronunciations. You can find more about his translations and other work here:

In other words, game is progressing nicely.


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Good to hear, I guess. In other news, though, any thoughts on the Valve's recent decision to abolish Greenlight, and institute a likely raised charge per-game submission in its place? I suppose it works well for you, since you've already made it through Greenlight. Plus, if the fee will discourage many of the worst developers, this should make it easier for your game to compete for players' attention, right?
As you've said, I'm already past Greenlight so this won't affect me. Otherwise, yes, a higher fee is likely to reduce crapware on Steam, we'll have to wait and see!
Yay, pronunciation! Can't wait to give a shot of the card mastery system.
Yup, I just sent the last animations just now. Jeff (the programmer) told me he would have a video clip today to show the card mastery system and pronunciation.
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