Disaster has struck an ordinary girl in a seemingly ordinary kingdom. Lost in the frozen wastes of the Northern Mountains, Marsha must find her way out. When she does, she finds herself embroiled in a story of intrigue as she's joined by Harold, his officers, Lucius and his sister Therese, and a mysterious thief who may or may not be the architect of the coming disaster.
Made for the MVLYMPICS event, this is my first game on RPG Maker MV. It's a rather routine and basic RPG which relies more on its story than its game mechanics.
I hope you will join Marsha and her friends in Etheria as they quest to rescue the survivors from the wreckage of the Zephyr, try to determine who caused the terrible crash, and why. Set in the distant future in a medieval setting, ancient technologies may be discovered and a dark group may be at work.
Made for the MVLYMPICS event, this is my first game on RPG Maker MV. It's a rather routine and basic RPG which relies more on its story than its game mechanics.
I hope you will join Marsha and her friends in Etheria as they quest to rescue the survivors from the wreckage of the Zephyr, try to determine who caused the terrible crash, and why. Set in the distant future in a medieval setting, ancient technologies may be discovered and a dark group may be at work.
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- pianotm
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- Adventure RPG
- 11/12/2015 02:10 PM
- 01/04/2016 01:55 AM
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