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Sacred Reviews: Dreamreality


Dreamreality is a game currently being developed by YumeIres using RPG Maker MV.


One of the bigger problems with Dreamreality in my opinion is that it lacks proper balance when it comes to combat. In the early game the battles are easily dominated by the player by making use of dual attack skills. So much so that other attacks seem almost pointless in comparison. Seriously, why should I waste time utilizing Mia's Fire Arrow skill on the hordes of undead that attack the party if I can take them out more efficiently with her Dual Shot skill?

Another issue that hurts the game is that it contains a lot of crystal way points that can be used to heal the party. I want to be clear that my problem with this system isn't that it exists, but the current points are to close together in my opinion. This means its possible for the player to easily abuse them to advance and reduces the difficulty of the game down to almost nonexistent.

On the plus side if you aren't a fan of random encounters this game utilizes a touch encounter system. Though it does seem to go off sometimes before you make contact with the enemy.


On the graphical side of things the game suffers from a few issues of varying importance depending on how obsessive compulsive you are about certain issues. For starters a rather decent chunk of the enemies in this game are drawn with a front view battle system in mind. Another issue is that the art for the playable cast during combat is done in a more chibhi style while the enemies are clearly not. And to finish things off a few of the enemies later on in the game fluctuate in terms of size during combat for no apparent reason.

On the positive side of the scale the mapping is decent and I like the designs of the playable cast.


In its current state Dreamreality suffers from issues of varying degrees of importance, but the fact that the game is rooted around a mystery plot does make me wish this game was completed. Since, I want to unravel the secrets surrounding the main character. As it stands I can only hope those answers are worth it when the time comes.


Pages: 1
Thank you for your review.
I will try to improve my game.
This was a harsh review...geez...like the fact that this is your first game you've made...this just seems a little brutal...
but,I have to say I'm a bit guilty when it come to the whole crystals and skills...if a game has touch encounters I have some kind of obsession with killing every one of them that's on the current map before moving on.It just makes me feeling like I'm at a good level to fight the the next boss when it appears...So I did VERY MUCH abuse the full heal crystals just so that I could continue on my enemy grind...but, it did scare me when the red crystal appeared because I wasn't certain if it had something to do with the wraith or not and I just thought "...Wait...what if the crystal no-longer works because of mister 'in the name of science' he did kill a bunch of people so I won't be surprised if I'm his next victim," so maybe there could be one crystal per map and after using it you have to wait lets say 3 minutes or 5 that could help with that problem, and with the side-view enemies you could defualt to the original enemy sprites you used just a suggestion.I had no problems with the game it interested me and all I have to say is that it's really good!So there are some suggestions for you to fix up those problems and you're welcome! \(^W^)/-glad I could help!
this is a bit much...
Pages: 1