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Rebuilding my game

  • annme090
  • 08/05/2016 07:06 PM
I will definitely take the comments and reviews in. I'm going to
try to rebuild the game to best it can be.

I'm sorry for not making the game any good but it is a demo and
I just wanted some feedback to help me make the game better.

The full game will have more backstory for the character, some
puzzles, some scares, better music to match the tune of the game.

-P.S: I'm sorry for a terrible demo but I will try to make it
much better.


Pages: 1
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Everyone makes bad games sometimes, I don't think it's your fault for not knowing about some things :) The best thing to do is just to learn from your mistakes and try to improve in the future!
I'm getting some help from another small developer who been using the software for
awhile and its really been helping me. I will try with the best of my knowledge and the knowledge of others to make the game great.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
That's the spirit! Go you :D
Pages: 1