A Kick in the Stones

  • Lyric
  • 01/28/2012 03:44 AM
A review by Lyric.

It's taken me a long time to consider whether or not I was actually going to review Stonesearch (in text and on a website, at least), and usually I would accept that as a sign not to do so. However, after much inner debate, I decided that it's games like this that need reviews. So, before I waste any more of your time typing about the start of this reviewing process, let's get down to business. (to defeat the Huns)

To start with, I should point out that this is a review of the final demo, released on the 4th of January, 2012, which runs up to Chapter 5 of the story. I will be taking into account that several things will be fixed, tweaked, changed (and other words with similar meanings) before the game is completed.

Let's play!

It's quite a nice title screen, actually. Simple, but relevant at least.

Now, the first thing that stops this game from being as good as it could be is something that isn't even there - anybody who has downloaded the final demo of Stonesearch should also be able to testify to this. The problem, and it is really quite a big one, is missing files. There's a pretty big list of files that are somehow absent from the demo's download, and the error messages that they bring up throughout the game are entirely troublesome. In some cases, it's simply a notice window telling you that the game could not load a character's sprite, because it isn't there, whereas some functions are pushed out completely by this slip up (the Notebook feature of the menu, in particular, was completely inaccessible to me throughout gameplay).

The first thing you see on starting a new game. At first I worried I was playing a new Zephyr Skies, but alas, it was an honest error.

Pushing the missing files aside, the game is still playable for the most part, and with a possible review in mind, I soldiered on. Throughout the first chapter of the game, I noticed a few minor issues: there were a few mapping errors, for example, and the occasional typo here and there that seemed to multiply as the game progressed further.

Perhaps the thing that irked me most throughout the demo was that there is no direction given to the player. No signs, no helpful NPCs, and certainly no thought processes or inner monologues that conveniently mention that the monsters you're looking for are to the north. You just find yourself plonked in the middle of a medium-sized map, playing a character who has lived there his entire life, and yet you have no idea where anything is. I literally spent about 5 minutes checking every edge of the town until I finally found out where those accursed fields were - a process made even more irritating by the fact that running in towns is apparently impossible!

Eventually, I got to sample the battle system. Now, I actually like Tankentai when it's used correctly. For the most part, this is one of those occasions. There were just a few odd quirks... for example, the time you have to wait post-battle until the victory screen shows up seems just a second or two too long. I'm fairly sure that's a changeable setting with Tankentai and should probably be lowered a little. Fretting that the game has crashed after every battle doesn't rub well with me, though I may well be the only one.

After beating a sub-boss (and walking the opposite way to where I came from in order to get back home, I might add), an alarm was raised back in the town. Oh no, monster attack is imminent! Everybody get to the chopper hide indoors!

I am fairly certain evacuating into somewhere makes no sense, but okay.

...Or you could all just do exactly what you normally do. That's fine too.

"Fearing for your life is overrated. I like wells."

Oh, and the Treants never make any effort to move towards you or the town. Ever. Joking aside, these little things completely spoiled what could've otherwise been the most exciting part of the game so far, which was a tremendous disappointment to me. Anyway, after finding Ralph the paladin (which took another 5 minutes because I didn't know where anything was), we headed off to be heroes. Well, that was the plan, but he disappeared - literally disappeared, no walking - saying he was "going ahead" and I've seen nothing of him since. Perhaps he's dead. Oh well. Insignificant NPCs are expendable.

So after we've charged into the forest and this guy has left Abraxas, an inexperienced teenage fighter named after the local currency, to be mutilated by trees that are angry for some reason, some other dude shows up out of nowhere (perhaps he appeared the way Ralph the paladin disappeared... or perhaps he IS the paladin! Plot twist!) with an insult. Naturally, Abraxas immediately loves this guy for his brilliant humour and sparkling wit, and has no objections when this happens. Indeed, several battles and a variable amount of walking pass before Abraxas even asks Savyon who he is!

Life lesson: calling somebody weak is a sure way to prove that you can be trusted and that you are about to be bestest friends foreverest!

...I'm starting to suspect I'm setting new limits for a maximum review length here, and it would seem I am also going off on mostly negative rants, so I'll just get down to the summary for now. Remember, I intend on posting an updated review when the game is complete - hopefully my feedback is taken into account!

Summary (aka TL;DR)

Top Priority
  • Missing files need to be fixed, ASAP. You won't get a great deal of people bothering with your game - even if it's a demo! - if the first thing they see is an error message.
  • !!! It's more effort, I know, but take more time with eventing to get things presentable. The next four items tie in with this.
  • People disappear and reappear all the time, without walking anywhere.
  • Savyon usually has a clone when on the ship due to the way events and party formation are laid out.
  • Sometimes party members aren't there when dialogue is being spoken.
  • The Storm & Justin event in Midsel still happens, even if you've been to the Coliseum and have them in your party already.
  • When playing as Jade, it is impossible to progress through Midsel Mountain because the self switch for the moving platform is still on from when you go through as Abraxas. Because of this, the platform instead takes you down, leading you to a dead end where you can't do jack squat but restart the game. I had to edit the game and add a switch just to progress. My method was probably overly long-winded and required you step on the platform, then off again, then back on to go anywhere, so I'll leave fixing that to you.

Mid Priority
  • Monsters aren't worth their weight in experience until you get to the desert. I don't know if this is intentional, but it makes levelling a grind.
  • In particular, the Climbers on the Midsel Mountain Descent are SO IRRITATING! There are loads of them, they have an awful lot of HP/defense for the amount of damage you can deal at that point, and they offer practically no reward. I would suggest more Exp., or even their shells as an item you can sell in shops. That, or lower their HP/raise the party's attack.
  • You can't walk over a tile where you've picked an item up from the ground, even though it's no longer there. You know how to fix this, I'm fairly certain, and I won't patronise you by telling you how.
  • Bosses aren't particularly challenging. They're only a concern if they manage to land a critical hit, and even then that's a wound easily stitched up with a tonic. I personally would like a bit more strategy in the boss battles, but that is my opinion and asking you to entirely rethink all of them would be horrible of me. It's just a thought.
  • There seems to be no planned overworld. By this, I don't mean "boohoo, you don't have a world map" - I mean there's no layout to where things are! This is what your world looks like to me based on where everything is. Confusing! Expand a little more on just whereabouts everything is, let the player know where they're going, and you'll be one step closer to publishing an amazing game!

Low Priority
  • Ralph The paladin seems to give over to Abraxas' desire to help far too easily. He's an untrained, unarmoured civilian with a rusty knife for a weapon! I felt there should have been more to the conversation than this:
    "I'm fighting."
    "No, I can't let you."
    "Too bad, I'm fighting."
    "Oh, okay then."
  • # of enemy type defeated is not working correctly, or wasn't when I viewed it (Bestiary)
  • Enemy Notes in the Bestiary are unreadable - maybe you need this?

Phew. Believe me, I am as glad as you are that that is over. I can only apologise if I've come across as overly harsh, but I've tried to give feedback where I could (my ability to help in a more literal sense is impeded by how new I am to RM myself) and I hope that's taken into account.


All in all, the thoughts and ideas put into Stonesearch are pretty good. The story could undoubtedly be fleshed out a little more, but it's clear a lot of effort has gone into creating this world and the people who live in it. There is still an awful lot of work to be done, and therefore another analysis for another time, but right now I am reviewing this game based on the demo provided, and I find I can't be overly generous with the score.

The major bugs, event mishaps and missing files were what really let this game down for me - I've always been a sucker for games revolving around the elements. I'm afraid I can't give any game which I, being the player, had to sit and edit in order to progress in the story an above average score.

I sincerely hope all of these errors and aesthetics are fixed or improved come the final release. As it is, Stonesearch is hardly playable, and that breaks my heart.

Score: 2/5


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if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
Ohh Lyric :)
This review made me realize how much this game needs work. I am going to fix exactly everything mentioned in this review. Thank you so much for your (humorous) great review!
"Stonesearch is hardly playable, and that breaks my heart."
not to be whiny or something, I surely you mean like missing files and no directions and stuff.
I didn't expect a 5 star review, that's for sure, and I do think 2 stars is a little too high for a piece of junk demo. VERY VERY VERY high.
"Abraxas, an inexperienced teenage fighter named after the local currency" haha

"Naturally, Abraxas immediately loves this guy for his brilliant humour and sparkling wit, and has no objections when this happens. Indeed, several battles and a variable amount of walking pass before Abraxas even asks Savyon who he is!"
I see a scene hidden in those words.

Suggestions Being Taken Into Account Right Now
The Paragraph Formatting! Thanks much! DONE
Missing Files - I have a plan: I am going to fix all of the rest of the problems, while thinking of a way to fix this, and then upload a new demo. again. which really really really sucks. wow
(There are plenty more, just implementing that.)
Bristolpine Rider - Rehauled the scene, fixed things. DONE
Monster's up til desert - Fixed them, lowered Climber's DEF, and raised all of their EXP values. DONE
Self Moving Platform - Alright, the platform isn't the only way to proceed to Midsel. :\ If you completed the puzzle in the mountain, the way should already have been unlocked. DONE
People Not Cowering In Their Homes - During the Treant Infestation, the people will now cower inside their homes, with the doors locked. DONE
After Picking Up AN Item you can't walk over it - Fixed, now you can walk over the spot where you picked up an item. DONE
Bosses Really important issue. Yeah, you wouldn't have to ask me to rethink them all, because I have already. The final demo doesn't really contain any 'strategic' bosses, and I have them in the FINAL FINAL DEMO. (:D) If you still don't find them strategic, please tell me.
Overworld. Hopefully the solution will be NPC's and dia/monologue to tell the player where to go next.
The Ralph Scene. Yeah, now there is more dialogue, and reason why he let an inexperienced young adult armed only with a rusty knife fight treants.
Beastiary: I don't know what's up with it, though it won't be fixed for the demo.
"People disappear and reappear everywhere", can you elaborate?
To Answer
"Characters aren't there during dialogue"
I personally do not think I should have the whole party out at a time for every single little dialogue that is spoken between them. I could again, do a Caterpillar, though.

Top Priority suggestions have been completed! (I am not sure if the missing files thing will work or not!)
Mid Priority suggestions have been completed!
Low Priority suggestions have been completed!
You're welcome, aha. I'm hoping you don't see me as a bitch because of this, because though it's difficult to express in pixellated text, I do actually like this game so far.

It's not a piece of junk; the thought you've put into the world and characters is clear and particularly well done, all things considered. It was simply a case of it could have been executed better, which, hopefully, my review helped you with!

Do you have any idea what's wrong? Are the files in your version of the game, but not copying over into the download, or...?

With people disappearing and appearing anywhere, I mean kind of the same thing as with dialogue: Ralph just vanishes once his dialogue is over, as do quite a few people; after defeating the first Treant, Abraxas walks north instead of south and somehow winds up back home; when Jade and Rose are talking to Abraxas and Savyon, before the fight, they're nowhere to be seen even though they're taking part in the conversation; the same happens again with Storm and Justin in the Earth Stone's chamber.

Also I know I should have completed the puzzle to remove the spikes in the Midsel mountain, but I didn't, so the platform was the only way for me to move on and, of course, I couldn't! I didn't even think of the spikes, actually... taking them out of the picture would've been much easier than scripting an alternative. Damnit.

Regardless, I'll download the final final demo now and play through it when I get home. Thanks for reading the review and hearing me out, you're a star!

if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
You're welcome, aha. I'm hoping you don't see me as a bitch because of this, because though it's difficult to express in pixellated text, I do actually like this game so far.

It's not a piece of junk; the thought you've put into the world and characters is clear and particularly well done, all things considered. It was simply a case of it could have been executed better, which, hopefully, my review helped you with!

Do you have any idea what's wrong? Are the files in your version of the game, but not copying over into the download, or...?

With people disappearing and appearing anywhere, I mean kind of the same thing as with dialogue: Ralph just vanishes once his dialogue is over, as do quite a few people; after defeating the first Treant, Abraxas walks north instead of south and somehow winds up back home; when Jade and Rose are talking to Abraxas and Savyon, before the fight, they're nowhere to be seen even though they're taking part in the conversation; the same happens again with Storm and Justin in the Earth Stone's chamber.

Also I know I should have completed the puzzle to remove the spikes in the Midsel mountain, but I didn't, so the platform was the only way for me to move on and, of course, I couldn't! I didn't even think of the spikes, actually... taking them out of the picture would've been much easier than scripting an alternative. Damnit.

Regardless, I'll download the final final demo now and play through it when I get home. Thanks for reading the review and hearing me out, you're a star!

Thank you. I don't see you any different. This review has helped the game sooo much already. The people disappearing is me being lazy, which will be fixed in the full game. Well, incidentally, you should have completed the puzzle to get past it in the first place, not take the platform, which I will deal with that later. With a bugfix.
Great review! Funny and informative with a gentle touch. Just the way I like it.

I wouldn't worry about hitting a maximum length. I seem to remember reading reviews much longer than this :P
Oh, Lyric wrote a review! Pretty good one at that! You should review more often I enjoyed reading this one.
Great review! Funny and informative with a gentle touch. Just the way I like it.

I wouldn't worry about hitting a maximum length. I seem to remember reading reviews much longer than this :P

Thank you! I'll be sure to ramble on for longer next time then, haha.

Oh, Lyric wrote a review! Pretty good one at that! You should review more often I enjoyed reading this one.

Thank you, I thought it was about time I contributed something!
Guardian of the Description Thread
You must have been reading my mind, Lyric. I was considering doing something for this game. Maybe not a full-on review, but at the very least make stream-of-consciousness notes as I played the game. However, the missing files were certainly holding things back a bit.

Glad to hear that some, if not all, of the issues have been resolved already, though. That's quick work, Adon!
the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is
"People disappear and reappear everywhere", can you elaborate?
To Answer
"Characters aren't there during dialogue"
I personally do not think I should have the whole party out at a time for every single little dialogue that is spoken between them. I could again, do a Caterpillar, though.

That's how I have felt before too, and considered to not make the other characters in my game show up for every scene, but I couldn't have them show up for some dialogue and not others, it seemed inconsistent.
So, I think you should do a caterpillar system for sure! I always like having my party follow me visibly, it's an added touch!
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
"People disappear and reappear everywhere", can you elaborate?
To Answer
"Characters aren't there during dialogue"
I personally do not think I should have the whole party out at a time for every single little dialogue that is spoken between them. I could again, do a Caterpillar, though.
That's how I have felt before too, and considered to not make the other characters in my game show up for every scene, but I couldn't have them show up for some dialogue and not others, it seemed inconsistent.
So, I think you should do a caterpillar system for sure! I always like having my party follow me visibly, it's an added touch!

Yeah, that might work.
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
I think it is time for a new review :)
And as far as I know, the missing files problem has been solved!
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