RPG Maker MV

Lets you bind hotkeys to skills for actors outside battles, and use them to select usable skills for actors inside battles

  • DoubleX
  • 09/08/2017 05:15 PM
This plugin's available for commercial use

*    1. When the party's out of battles, an actor can bind hotkeys to his/her
 *       currently usable/unusable skills in the skill menu, unless the result
 *       of the relevant notetags indicates otherwise                         
 *       All these bindings will be saved                                     
 *    2. When the party's inside battles, an actor having nonempty hotkey slot
 *       can use hotkeys to use their corresponding usable skills directly,   
 *       unless the result of the relevant notetags indicates otherwise

Compatibility Fix
DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys Compatibility


Games using this plugin
None so far

* @param isEnabled
 * @desc Sets whether this plugin will be enabled
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Boolean
 * @default return true;
 * @param bindNotePriority
 * @desc Sets the data type priority of <bind skill hotkey: BSHX>
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning an Array of Strings
 * @default return ["states", "armors", "weapons", "classes", "actors"];
 * @param useNotePriority
 * @desc Sets the data type priority of <use skill hotkey: USHX>
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning an Array of Strings
 * @default return ["states", "armors", "weapons", "classes", "actors"];
 * @param bindNoteChainingRule
 * @desc Sets how to use multiple <bind skill hotkey: BSHX> notetags
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a String
 * @default return "first";
 * @param useNoteChainingRule
 * @desc Sets how to use multiple <use skill hotkey: USHX> notetags
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a String
 * @default return "first";
 * @param bindHotkeyText
 * @desc Sets the bind hotkey text for skills without hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a String
 * @default return "Bind Hotkey";
 * @param useSkillText
 * @desc Sets the use skill text when showing the bind hotkey texts
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a String
 * @default return "Use";
 * @param unusableSkillCoverIconPath
 * @desc Sets the path of the icon masking that of unusable skills
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a String
 * @default return "img/pictures/";
 * @param unusableSkillCoverIconName
 * @desc Sets the name of the icon masking that of unusable skills
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a String
 * @default return "UnusableSkill";
 * @param unusableSkillCoverIconHue
 * @desc Sets the hue of the icon masking that of unusable skills
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 0;
 * @param unusableSkillCoverIconSmooth
 * @desc Sets the smooth of the icon masking that of unusable skills
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Boolean
 * @default return true;
 * @param hotkeyCmdWindowW
 * @desc Sets the width of the window for binding hotkeys to skills
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return;
 * @param hotkeyCmdWindowH
 * @desc Sets the height of the window for binding hotkeys to skills
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return;
 * @param hotkeyCmdWindowX
 * @desc Sets the x position of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 0;
 * @param hotkeyCmdWindowY
 * @desc Sets the y position of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 0;
 * @param hotkeyCmdLineH
 * @desc Sets the line height of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 36;
 * @param hotkeyCmdFontSize
 * @desc Sets the font size of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 28;
 * @param hotkeyCmdPadding
 * @desc Sets the standard padding of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 18;
 * @param hotkeyCmdTextPadding
 * @desc Sets the text padding of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 6;
 * @param hotkeyCmdBackOpacity
 * @desc Sets the back opacity of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 192;
 * @param hotkeyCmdTranslucentOpacity
 * @desc Sets the translucent opacity of the hotkey binding window
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 160;
 * @param hotkeyCmdSpacing
 * @desc Sets the spacing of the window for binding hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 12;
 * @param hotkeyListWindowW
 * @desc Sets the width of the window listing the actor hotkey slots
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return Graphics.boxWidth;
 * @param hotkeyListWindowH
 * @desc Sets the height of the window listing the actor hotkey slots
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return this.fittingHeight(2);
 * @param hotkeyListWindowX
 * @desc Sets the x position of the window listing actor hotkey slots
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 0;
 * @param hotkeyListWindowY
 * @desc Sets the y position of the window listing actor hotkey slots
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 0;
 * @param hotkeyListLineH
 * @desc Sets the line height of the window listing actor hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 36;
 * @param hotkeyListFontSize
 * @desc Sets the font size of the window listing actor hotkey slots
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 28;
 * @param hotkeyListPadding
 * @desc Sets the padding of the window listing actor hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 18;
 * @param hotkeyListTextPadding
 * @desc Sets the text padding of the window listing actor hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 6;
 * @param hotkeyListBackOpacity
 * @desc Sets the back opacity of the window listing actor hotkeys
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 192;
 * @param hotkeyListTranslucentOpacity
 * @desc Sets the translucent opacity of the actor hotkey list window
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 160;
 * @param hotkeyListSpacing
 * @desc Sets the spacing of the window listing actor hotkey slots
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 12;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListWindowW
 * @desc Sets the width of the window listing the hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return Graphics.boxWidth;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListWindowH
 * @desc Sets the height of the window listing the hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return this.fittingHeight(2);
 * @param hotkeyCmdListWindowX
 * @desc Sets the x position of the window listing hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 0;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListWindowY
 * @desc Sets the y position of the window listing hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(4) - this.windowHeight();
 * @param hotkeyCmdListLineH
 * @desc Sets the line height of the window listing hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 36;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListFontSize
 * @desc Sets the font size of the window listing hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 28;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListPadding
 * @desc Sets the padding of the window listing hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 18;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListTextPadding
 * @desc Sets the text padding of the hotkey window in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 6;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListBackOpacity
 * @desc Sets the back opacity of the hotkey window in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 192;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListTranslucentOpacity
 * @desc Sets the translucent opacity of the hotkey window in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 160;
 * @param hotkeyCmdListSpacing
 * @desc Sets the spacing of the window listing hotkeys in battle
 * It'll be the contents of a function returning a Number
 * @default return 12;

*       Among all the same notetag types in the same data, only the 1st one  
 *       can be effective(Reference tag: NOTETAG_MONO)                        
 *       Each line can only have at most 1 notetag(Reference tag: LINE_MONO)  
 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/State/Skill Notetags:                        
 *      Having no effective notetag means the actors can bind hotkeys         
 *      to the skills(Reference tag: DEFAULT_TRUE)                            
 *      1. <bind skill hotkey: BSHX>                                          
 *         - Sets whether the actor can bind hotkeys for the skill as the     
 *           value returned by function with name BSHX, which can only be     
 *           edited in the configuration region, which is inside this plugin  
 *           js file contents, directly                                       
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           <bind skill hotkey: BSH1> will set the actor to always be able to
 *           bind the skill due to BSH1, which is the name of a function in   
 *           the configuration region, always returning true                  
 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/State Notetags:                              
 *      Having no effective notetag means the actors can use hotkeys          
 *      1. <use skill hotkey: USHX>                                           
 *         - Sets whether the actor can use hotkeys as the value returned by  
 *           function with name USHX, which can only be edited in the         
 *           configuration region, which is inside this plugin js file        
 *           contents, directly                                               
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           <use skill hotkey: USH1> will set the actor to always be able to 
 *           use the skill due to USH1, which is the name of a function in the
 *           configuration region, always returning true

Plugin Calls
*    # Configuration manipulations                                           
 *      1. $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param                              
 *         - Returns the stored value of param listed in the plugin manager or
 *           their configuration counterpart                                  
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.isEnabled will return the        
 *           contents of a function returning a Boolean indicating whether    
 *           this plugin's enabled                                            
 *      2. $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param = funcContents               
 *         - Sets the stored value of param listed in the plugin manager or   
 *           their configuration counterpart as funcContents, which is the    
 *           contents of a function                                           
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.isEnabled = return false; will   
 *           set the stored value of parameter isEnabled shown on the plugin  
 *           manager or its configuration counterpart as return false;,       
 *           causing the corresponding function to always return false, thus  
 *           always disabling this plugin                                     
 *         - $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param changes will be saved      
 *         - DoubleX_RMMV.Skill_Hotkeys.params.param = func, where func is the
 *           corresponding function having funcContents as its contents,      
 *           should be explicitly called immediately afterwards               
 *      3. $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.cfgs.cfg                                  
 *         - Basically the same as $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param,     
 *           except that this plugin call applies to configurations found in  
 *           the configuration region only                                    
 *      4. $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.cfgs.cfg = funcContents                   
 *         - Basically the same as                                            
 *           $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param = funcContents, except that
 *           this plugin call applies to configurations found in the          
 *           configuration region only                                        
 *         - DoubleX_RMMV.Skill_Hotkeys.cfgs.cfg = func, where func is the    
 *           corresponding function having funcContents as its contents,      
 *           should be explicitly called immediately afterwards               
 *      5. $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.notes.note                                
 *         - Basically the same as $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param,     
 *           except that this plugin call applies to notetag values found in  
 *           the configuration region                                         
 *      6. $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.notes.note = funcContents                 
 *         - Basically the same as                                            
 *           $gameSystem.skillHotkeys.params.param = funcContents, except that
 *           this plugin call applies to notetag values found in the          
 *           configuration region                                             
 *         - DoubleX_RMMV.Skill_Hotkeys.notes.note = func, where func is the  
 *           corresponding function having funcContents as its contents,      
 *           should be explicitly called immediately afterwards               
 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/State/Skill notetag manipulations            
 *      1. meta.skillHotkeys.canBind                                          
 *         - Returns the function name BSHX, which is a String, in            
 *           <bind skill hotkey: BSHX>                                        
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $dataStates[1].meta.skillHotkeys.canBind will return the function
 *           name BSH1, which is a String, in <bind skill hotkey: BSH1>       
 *           notetag of state with id 1                                       
 *      2. meta.skillHotkeys.canBind = BSHX                                   
 *         - Sets the <bind skill hotkey: BSHX> notetag to use the function   
 *           with name BSHX, which is a String                                
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $dataActors[2].meta.skillHotkeys.canBind = BSH1 will set the     
 *           <bind skill hotkey: BSHX> notetag of actor with id 2 to use the  
 *           function with name BSH1, with is a String                        
 *         - The function name must be one of the notetag values in the       
 *           configuration region                                             
 *         - All meta.statusBars changes can be saved if                      
 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                
 *      3. meta.skillHotkeys.canUse                                           
 *         - Basically the same as meta.skillHotkeys.canBind, except that this
 *           plugin call works with <use skill hotkey: USHX>                  
 *      4. meta.skillHotkeys.canUse = USHX                                    
 *         - Basically the same as meta.skillHotkeys.canBind = BSHX, except   
 *           that this plugin call works with <use skill hotkey: USHX>        
 *    # Actor manipulations                                                   
 *      1. bindSkillHotkey(skillId, hotkey)                                   
 *         - Binds the hotkey with symbol hotkey to the skill with id skillId 
 *           for the actor involved, bypassing all <bind skill hotkey: BSHX>  
 *           notetags                                                         
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[0].bindSkillHotkey(1, #1) will bind the
 *           hotkey with symbol #1 to the skill with id 1 for the 1st alive   
 *           party member                                                     
 *         - Don't use this plugin call when players are                      
 *           binding/using hotkeys unless you really know what you're truly   
 *           doing                                                            
 *      2. canBindSkillHotkey(skillId)                                        
 *         - Returns whether the actor involved can bind hotkeys for the skill
 *           with id skillId                                                  
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[0].canBindSkillHotkey(1) will return   
 *           whether the 1st alive party member can bind hotkeys for the skill
 *           with id 1                                                        
 *      3. canUseSkillHotkey(skillId)                                         
 *         - Returns whether the actor involved can use the hotkey bound to   
 *           the skill with id skillId                                        
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $ will return whether the
 *           actor with id 1 can use the hotkey bound to the skill with id 1  
 *      4. isSkillHotkeysBound(skillId)                                       
 *         - Returns whether the actor has bound a hotkey for the skill with  
 *           id skillId                                                       
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[$gameParty.aliveMembers().length - 1]. 
 *                   isSkillHotkeysBound(1) will return whether the last alive
 *           party member has bound a hotkey for the skill with id 1          
 *      5. boundSkillHotkeys(skillId)                                         
 *         - Returns the list of symbols of hotkeys bound to the skill with id
 *           skillId                                                          
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[$gameParty.aliveMembers().length - 1]. 
 *                   boundSkillHotkeys(1) will return the list of symbols of  
 *           hotkeys bound to the skill with id 1                             
 *      6. hotkeys()                                                          
 *         - Returns the list of symbols of hotkeys bound to skills           
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[$gameParty.aliveMembers().length - 1]. 
 *                   hotkeys() will return the list of symbols of hotkeys     
 *           bound to the skills                                              
 *      7. raiseSkillHotkeyNoteChangeFactors()                                
 *         - Notifys that all notetags might need to be reevaluated due to    
 *           potential data source changes or changes in the actor involved   
 *         - This plugin call should be called whenever there are potential   
 *           changes in the bindNoteChainingRule/useNoteChainingRule          
 *           parameter/configuration                                          
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $ will    
 *           notify the actor with id 1 that all notetags might need to be    
 *           reevaluated due to potential data source changes or changes in   
 *           the actor involved                                               
 *      8. skillHotkeys.hotkeyMapping                                         
 *         - Access the mapping from the hotkey symbols to the skill ids where
 *           the hotkey represented by the formers' bound to the skill        
 *           referred by the latters                                          
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $ will access the  
 *           mapping from the hotkey symbols to the skill ids where the hotkey
 *           represented by the formers' bound to the skill referred by the   
 *           latters for the actor with id 1                                  
 *      9. skillHotkeys.noteChangeFactors[note][factor] = true                
 *         - Notifys that the notetag note might need to be reevaluated due to
 *           potential changes in factor factor                               
 *         - note is either "canBind", referring to the notetag               
 *           <bind skill hotkey: BSHX>, or 'canUse", referring to the notetag 
 *           <use skill hotkey: USHX>                                         
 *         - factor is either "states", meaning the changes in state notetags,
 *           "armors", meaning the changes in armor notetags, "weapons",      
 *           meaning the changes in weapon notetags, "classes", meaning the   
 *           changes in classes notetags, "actors", meaning the changes in    
 *           actors notetags, or "priority", meaning the changes in the       
 *           bindNotePriority/useNotePriority parameter/configuration         
 *         - E.g.:                                                            
 *           $gameParty.aliveMembers()[$gameParty.aliveMembers().length - 1]. 
 *                   skillHotkeys. noteChangeFactors[canBind][priority] = true
 *           will notify the last alive party member that the                 
 *           <bind skill hotkey: BSHX> notetag might need to be reevaluated   
 *           due to potential changes in the bindNotePriority                 
 *           parameter/configuration                                          
 *           (The counterpart for <use skill hotkey: USHX> is useNotePriority)

Plugin Commands
*      1. bindSkillHotkey actorId skillId hotkey                             
 *         - The same as the plugin call bindSkillHotkey(skillId, hotkey) in  
 *           Actor manipulations for the actor with id actorId                
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing                   
 *      2. canBindSkillHotkey actorId skillId                                 
 *         - The same as the plugin call canBindSkillHotkey(skillId) in       
 *           Actor manipulations for the actor with id actorId                
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing                   
 *      3. canUseSkillHotkey actorId skillId                                  
 *         - The same as the plugin call canUseSkillHotkey(skillId) in        
 *           Actor manipulations for the actor with id actorId                
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing                   
 *      4. isSkillHotkeysBound actorId skillId                                
 *         - The same as the plugin call isSkillHotkeysBound(skillId) in      
 *           Actor manipulations for the actor with id actorId                
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing                   
 *      5. boundSkillHotkeys actorId skillId                                  
 *         - The same as the plugin call boundSkillHotkeys(skillId) in        
 *           Actor manipulations for the actor with id actorId                
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing                   
 *      6. hotkeys actorId                                                    
 *         - The same as the plugin call hotkeys() in Actor manipulations for 
 *           the actor with id actorId                                        
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing                   
 *      7. raiseSkillHotkeyNoteChangeFactors actorId                          
 *         - The same as the plugin call raiseSkillHotkeyNoteChangeFactors()  
 *           in Actor manipulations for the actor with id actorId             
 *         - Don't use this plugin command for actors that don't exist yet    
 *           unless you really know what you're truly doing

         * The this pointer refers to the actor involved
         * Sets the list of hotkeys mapped with their corresponding names
         * None of the hotkeys are supposed to be changed during the same battle
         * Using a keyboard mapping plugin, like Quasi Input, can be useful here
         * Ensure it won't return different values when binding/using hotkeys
         * unless you really know what you're truly doing
         * Potential Hotspot/Nullipotent
         * @returns {Object[String, String]} The requested hotkey-name mapping
         * @since v1.00a
         * @version v1.00a
        hotkeyNames: function() {
            return {
                "#1" : "1", // Hotkey #1 with name 1
                "#2" : "2", // Hotkey #2 with name 2
                "#3" : "3", // Hotkey #3 with name 3
                "#4" : "4", // Hotkey #4 with name 4
                "#5" : "5", // Hotkey #5 with name 5
                "#6" : "6", // Hotkey #6 with name 6
                "#7" : "7", // Hotkey #7 with name 7
                "#8" : "8", // Hotkey #8 with name 8
                "#9" : "9", // Hotkey #9 with name 9
                "#0" : "0" // Hotkey #0 with name 0
        } // hotkeyNames

Author Notes
*      1. DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys aims to give extreme control and freedom
 *         to users by making it as flexible as I can with as little damage to
 *         user-friendliness as I can

*      1. If you want to edit configurations instead of parameters, you must 
 *         open this js file to access its configuration region               
 *         Some settings, like the hotkey mappings, are only available as     
 *         configurations                                                     
 *      2. The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys v100a   
 *         If you want to change that, you must edit the value of             
 *         DoubleX_RMMV.Skill_Hotkeys_File, which must be done via opening    
 *         this plugin js file directly                                       
 *      3. If you wish to use DoubleX RMMV Skill Hotkeys Unit Test, place it  
 *         right below this plugin

*      Abilities:                                                            
 *      1. Nothing special for most ordinary cases                            
 *      2. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency for more advanced uses  
 *      3. Some RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this

Terms Of Use
*      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
 *      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.   
 *      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than 
 *         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from 
 *         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.           
 *      4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies 
 *         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
 *      5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin      
 *         anymore if you've violated any of the above.


*      v1.01b(GMT 0400 13-2-2021):
 *      1. Fixed the bug of being able to select unusable hotkey skills in the
 *         skill window in battles
 *      v1.01a(GMT 1400 17-7-2019):
 *      1. Lets you show skill names instead of icons in the hotkey list
 *      2. Lets you show hotkey icons instead of names in the hotkey list
 *      (v1.01a+ will be incompatible with v1.00a due to hotkeyNames changes)
 *      v1.00a(GMT 0900 8-9-2017):                                            
 *      1. 1st version of this plugin finished


Pages: 1
*      v1.01a(GMT 1400 17-7-2019):
 *      1. Lets you show skill names instead of icons in the hotkey list
 *      2. Lets you show hotkey icons instead of names in the hotkey list
 *      (v1.01a+ will be incompatible with v1.00a due to hotkeyNames changes)

* v1.01b(GMT 0400 13-2-2021):
* 1. Fixed the bug of being able to select unusable hotkey skills in the
* skill window in battles
Pages: 1