RPG Maker VX Ace

HP, MP, TP, Gold, custom costs!

  • YF
  • 12/15/2011 09:05 PM

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This script adds more functionality towards skill costs. Skills can now cost HP, more MP, more TP, gold, and even have custom costs. The way the skill costs are drawn in the display windows are changed to deliver more effective and reliable information to the player. And if four skill costs aren’t enough to satisfy you, you can even make your own custom skill costs.


The MP Cost limit is raised using notetags and skills can now cost a percentage of an actor’s maximum MP value, too.

<mp cost: x>

Sets the skill’s MP cost to x. Allows MP cost to exceed 9999, which is RPG Maker VX Ace’s database editor’s maximum limit.

<mp cost: x%>

Sets the MP cost to a percentage of the actor’s MaxMP. If a normal MP cost is present on the skill, too, then this value is added to the MP cost.


The TP Cost limit is raised for those who use a higher Max TP value than 100. There also exists notetags for TP percentage costs.

<tp cost: x>

Sets the skill’s TP cost to x. Allows TP cost to exceed 100, which is RPG Maker VX Ace’s database editor’s maximum limit.

<tp cost: x%>

Sets the TP cost to a percentage of the actor’s MaxTP. If a normal TP cost is present on the skill, too, then this value is added to the TP cost.


Skills can now cost HP. The actor must have more than the HP cost to use the skill. HP costs can also cost a percentage of the actor’s MaxHP.

<hp cost: x>

Sets the skill’s HP cost to x. This function did not exist by default in RPG Maker VX Ace.

<hp cost: x%>

Sets the HP cost to a percentage of the actor’s MaxHP. If a normal HP cost is present on the skill, too, then this value is added to the HP cost.


Skills can also require gold. Have it cost a set amount of gold or a percentage of the party’s total gold.

<gold cost: x>

Sets the skill’s gold cost to x. Enemies with skills that cost gold do not use gold. If the player does not have enough gold, the skill can’t be used.

<gold cost: x%>

Sets the skill’s gold cost equal to a percentage of the party’s total gold. If both a regular gold cost and a percentile gold cost is used, the total of both values will be the skill’s gold cost.


The skill list window will now show all of the skill’s cost requirements when before it only showed only TP or MP with priority for TP than MP. This script also enables the option to use icons and to change suffixes for skill costs. Skill costs reposition themselves relative to each other. However, if you have too many skill costs, the costs WILL overlap the skill’s name. I am not responsible if you decide to make your skill list window look like a mess of a Christmas Tree.


Lunatics can create their own custom skill costs using the custom cost notetags. Change the way skills cost to your liking.

<custom cost: string>

If you decide to have a custom cost for your game, insert this notetag to change what displays in the skill menu visually.

<custom cost colour: x>

This is the “Window” skin text colour used for the custom cost. By default, it is text colour 0, which is the white colour.

<custom cost size: x>

This is the text font size used for the custom cost in the display windows. By default, it is font size 20.

<custom cost icon: x>

If you wish to use an icon for your custom cost, replace x with the icon ID you wish to show in display windows. By default, it is 0 (and not shown).

<custom cost requirement>
</custom cost requirement>

Sets the custom cost requirement of the skill with an eval function using the strings in between. The strings are a part of one line even if in the notebox they are on separate lines.

<custom cost perform>
</custom cost perform>

Sets how the custom cost payment is done with an eval function using the strings in between. The strings are a part of one line even if in the notebox they are on separate lines.


There are now “traits” that reduce TP costs, HP costs, and Gold costs. These can go on actors, classes, weapons, armours, enemies, and states. There isn’t one for MP costs because there already exists a “trait” for MP costs in those respective objects. However, I felt it was a little unfair that only MP would get the better treatment from traits.

<hp cost rate: x%>

Allows the actor to drop the HP cost of skills to x%.

<tp cost rate: x%>

Allows the actor to drop the TP cost of skills to x%.

<gold cost rate: x%>

Allows the actor to drop the Gold cost of skills to x%.


You can now set a maximum and/or minimum cap for how much a skill can cost. This is important for those percentile cost skills where it won’t overcharge a player but won’t undercharge them either.

<hp cost max: x>
<hp cost min: x>

Sets the maximum and minimum range of the HP Cost of the skill. If you do not use this tag, there will be no maximum and/or minimum range.

<mp cost max: x>
<mp cost min: x>

Sets the maximum and minimum range of the MP Cost of the skill. If you do not use this tag, there will be no maximum and/or minimum range.

<tp cost max: x>
<tp cost min: x>

Sets the maximum and minimum range of the TP Cost of the skill. If you do not use this tag, there will be no maximum and/or minimum range.

<gold cost max: x>
<gold cost min: x>

Sets the maximum and minimum range of the Gold Cost of the skill. If you do not use this tag, there will be no maximum and/or minimum range.


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Yet another great script for my next game, giving credit
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