Well, I am a somewhat new maker... actually I should rephrase that... I have yet to make a game (not from lack of trying) But I am an avid rpger, and I will try any game once, and usually will be very blunt about how I feel about a game.



Endeavor: Grand Legacy

I am ... gonna download and play now.

Halmoore: A Hero's Story

I have subscribed.


author=Deacon Batista
The hemp ladder? Just keep moving around in those caves. Go to the entrance cave and move to the very right (where the water is). When you touch the ledge to the north then, George will shit out a little surprise for you :-)

This game is a comedians wet dream...

Final Fantasy Dreams

can somebody tell me why the echo plant does not work?im in the ice cave in the rich guys house 1 and everytime i press + nothing happens

dude ... I have been waiting for an answer to my question for 3 weeks.... so yeah good luck with that.


I got the rope latter but I dont know what to do with it...


author=Deacon Batista
Ah... okay... I am stuck on the... um ... really weird guy... I forgot his name
Okay... that's... a very detailed description. If you mean George Michael. As far as you can play with him, go into the cave in the north east.

Yup thats him... and thank you

Halmoore: A Hero's Story

looks cool... cant wait to test it out...


OH right one other thing... this game is awesomely funny.


author=Deacon Batista
Sorry, but I'd prefer not to tell you. You receive the password after you have played through the game once.

If you can't beat the game, though, and you have a question, just ask right here and I will help you out.

Ah... okay... I am stuck on the... um ... really weird guy... I forgot his name


quick question... whats the pas for the walkthrough?