Title Source Info
Crafting Simple
Adds crafting system.
01/05/2015 12:17 PM
Open Shops
Instead of needing to talk to a clerk to buy items. You can buy items straight of the tables!
01/05/2015 12:15 PM
Shop adds new Items when Selling
Shop stocks up on items when you sell materials to it.
01/05/2015 12:14 PM
Variable Shops
Allows shops to have variables as currencies. Shops can take multiple currencies.
01/05/2015 12:12 PM
Actor Stats on Level Up
Instead of setting all the numbers in Class, your actor gains stats according to your formulas.
01/05/2015 12:11 PM
Animated Faces
Allows for actor faces to be animated in the menu.
01/05/2015 12:09 PM
Hurt Sounds
Enemies and actors will play Sound Effect when getting hit.
01/05/2015 12:06 PM
Multi-Layer Boss Health Bar
Boss can now have a multi-layer health bar.
01/05/2015 12:03 PM
Conjure Weapons in battle
Spells now allow you to equip magical weapons in battle.
01/05/2015 12:01 PM
Enemies Teach Skill on Death
Enemies have a chance to teach skills to your actors after the battle.
01/05/2015 12:00 PM
Kuro Demo Effect
on screen basic animation effect
01/04/2015 10:18 AM
Better Autoshadow Removal Tool
Removes autoshadows in-game and in editor.
12/28/2014 05:41 AM
Snapdragon v1.2
Turn your actors (or enemies) into equipment!
12/19/2014 10:03 PM
Final Fantasy Style Battle Log 2.04
Changes how the Skill and Item display in Window_BattleLog functions. It is visually similar to a Final Fantasy game.
12/11/2014 06:22 AM
Placeholder Graphics
Use placeholders instead of static images when the image should be determined by actors during the game
12/08/2014 01:44 PM
Random Actor and Enemy Names
Random names (chosen from user-defined lists) for actors and enemies
12/06/2014 10:48 PM
Character Sprite Zooming
Control the zoom-level for character sprites using script calls
12/06/2014 10:01 PM
Pre-Skill Effects
Run effects before skills or items are executed
12/06/2014 09:56 PM
Learn skills from items
Equipment can contain spells which are learned forever after killing X enemies.
11/24/2014 12:03 PM
Enemy AI - Checks & Tables
Change how enemies select their attacks.
11/24/2014 12:01 PM

Filter By Engine

Adventure Game Studio
Dragon Ruby
Eclipse Engine
Game Maker Studio
GameMaker Studio 2
Pixel Game Maker MV
RPG Maker MV
RPG Maker MZ
RPG Maker VX
RPG Maker VX Ace
RPG Maker XP
RPG Paper Maker
SRPG Studio
Visual Novel Maker

Script Categories

Battle Systems
Modifications, enhancements or replacements for the default battle system
Bug Fixes
Fixes to the default scripts
Custom Scenes and Windows
Addition of new scenes or features, or modification to non-menu/non-battle scenes
Database Systems
Modifications or enhancements to database elements, such as skills, actors, equipment, states, etc...
Event Systems
Modifications or enhancements to events, event commands, characters or vehicles, character movement, or mini-games
Graphical/Audio Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the graphical or audio systems
Map Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the map scene, such as HUDs, fogs, tiles, parallaxes/backgrounds or onscreen display
Menu Systems
Modifications to the graphical and/or functional layout of the default menu scenes
Message Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the default message system
A script that does not conform to the other categories
Script Compilation/Library
A compilation of several inter-related scripts
Scripting Tools
Tools for aiding in the development of scripts
Technical Systems
Modifications or enhancements to the engine itself