Lets you use plugin commands in the RMMV styles by typing them as scripts

  • DoubleX
  • 09/04/2020 07:02 AM
*      1. The RMMZ editor has changed the plugin command from entering a
*         single line of string command to selecting plugin commands among
*         all plugins having plugin commands
*      2. With this plugin, those preferring the RMMV plugin command can
*         replicate this style in RMMZ by typing plugin command as a script


Games using this plugin
None so far


* 1. Lets you type plugin commands with names having spaces


* @param pluginFileCmds
* @type struct<PluginFileCmd>[]
* @desc Sets the list of plugin commands to be called in RMMV ways
* This being empty means all plugin commands to be that way
* @default []
* @param newPluginFileCmds
* @type struct<NewPluginFileCmd>[]
* @desc Sets list of new plugin commands to be called in RMMV way
* They're existing ones with some argument value already set
* @default []

RMMV Style Plugin Command Lines Info

* 1. General form
* cmdName argName1 argName2 argName3 argNameI argNameN
* E.g.:
* - If the plugin command has its command name as abcdefg and arguments
* as h, i, j and k, then the RMMV style plugin command line is
* abcdefg h i j k
* 2. (v1.02a+)pluginFileCmds
* - If there's only a small number of plugin commands among all enabled
* plugins, then whether the parameter pluginFileCmds should be filled
* doesn't matter much
* - If there's a large number of plugin commands among all enabled
* plugins, but only a small number of them being used in the RMMV
* styles, then pluginFileCmds should be filled with all those plugin
* commands, or the time needed for this plugin to load such a large
* number of plugin commands automatically upon game start can lead to
* a long game starting time
* - If there's a large number of plugin commands among all enabled
* plugins, and most of them being used in the RMMV styles, then I'm
* afraid that this plugin won't be able to give you a nice option
* 3.(v1.02a+) newPluginFileCmds
* - Its 1st application is to let you type less, thus making using
* plugin commands in the RMMV styles to be even more effective and
* efficient
* - Its 2nd application is to let you use plugin commands with
* different argument values given on 2 different timings, without the
* need of game variables to store them, even though you'll have to
* redefine the new plugin commands on the 1st timing
* - Its 3rd application is to resolve plugin command name collisions
* among different plugins

Script Calls

* 1. $gameSystem.setNewPluginCmd(pluginFilename, newCmdName, origCmdName, argNameVals)
* - Sets the new plugin command with name newCmdName as that with
* name origCmdName but with argument values already set by
* argNameVals, and origCmdName is the one in plugin with filename
* pluginFilename
* - argNameVals is an Object with argument names as keys and values
* of those arguments already set in newCmdName as values
* - E.g.:
* $gameSystem.setNewPluginCmd("DoubleX RMMZ Skill Item Cooldown", "ssicA1", "setSkillItemCooldown", {
* side: "actor",
* label: 1
* }) sets the new plugin command with name ssicA1 as that with name
* setSkillItemCooldown of plugin with filename
* DoubleX RMMZ Skill Item Cooldown but with the side and label
* argument values already set as "actor" and 1 respectively

Author Notes

* 1. If a plugin command's inputted as a script call, it must only take
* exactly 1 line for that plugin command
* 2. Multiple plugin commands, each taking 1 line, can be inputted into
* the same script box in the editor, but do note that the size of
* that script box's limited so don't type too many plugin commands in
* the same script box in the editor
* 3. If multiple plugin commands have the same name, the one having a
* highest ordering in pluginFileCmds will be used(or if
* pluginFileCmds is empty, the one from the plugin with the highest
* ordering will be used)
* (Search tag: First_In_Duplicate_Plugin_Cmds)
* 4. If script calls and plugin commands are mixed in the same script
* box in the editor, script calls separated by plugin commands there
* will be called separately
* E.g.:
* - The following contents in the same script box in the editor
* scriptLine1
* scriptLine2
* pluginCommandLine1
* scriptLine3
* scriptLine4
* Will cause the scripts combined from scriptLine1 and scriptLine2
* to be a separate script call from the script call of the scripts
* combined from scriptLine3 and scriptLine4

1. DoubleX RMMZ Enhanced Codebase
1. Basic knowledge on what RMMV plugin command does in general on the user level

Terms Of Use
*      1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
*      2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.
*      3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than
*         DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from
*         using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.
*      4. If you repost this plugin directly(rather than just linking back),
*         you shall inform me of these direct repostings. I always reserve
*         the right to request you to edit those direct repostings.
*      5. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies
*         to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
*      6. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin
*         anymore if you've violated any of the above.

*      Authors:
*      1. DoubleX
*      Plugin Development Collaborators:
*      - None So Far
*      Bug Reporters:
*      - None So Far
*      Compatibility Issue Raisers:
*      - None So Far
*      Feature Requesters:
*      - None So Far

*      { codebase: "1.1.0", plugin: "v1.03b" }(2020 Nov 27 GMT 0400):
 *      1. You no longer have to edit the value of
 *         DoubleX_RMMZ.Plugin_Command_Lines.PLUGIN_NAME when changing this
 *         plugin file name
 *      { codebase: "1.0.2", plugin: "v1.02a" }(2020 Sep 14 GMT 0700):
 *      1. Lets you use text instead of command for plugin command names
 *      2. Lets you use text instead of arg for plugin command argument names
 *      3. Plugin command name collisions across plugins will no longer exist
 *         if newPluginFileCmds is used wisely
 *      4. Explained some applications of newPluginFileCmds
 *      5. Renamed pluginCmds into pluginFileCmds
 *      6. Renamed newPluginCmds into newPluginFileCmds
 *      7. Increased the effectiveness and efficiency when reading plugin
 *         commands from the plugin file contents
 *         MANAGER
 *      { codebase: "1.0.0", plugin: "v1.01a" }(2020 Sep 11 GMT 1400):
 *      1. Lets you make some new plugin commands as existing ones with some
 *         argument values already set
 *      2. Fixed the bug to load even inactive plugins and those not in the
 *         plugin manager when the parameter pluginCmds is empty
*      { codebase: "1.0.0", plugin: "v1.00a" }(2020 Sep 4 GMT 0600):
*      1. 1st version of this plugin finished

Demo Link


  • Offsite
  • N/A
  • Never



Pages: 1

* { codebase: "1.0.0", plugin: "v1.01a" }(2020 Sep 11 GMT 1400):
* 1. Lets you make some new plugin commands as existing ones with some
* argument values already set
* 2. Fixed the bug to load even inactive plugins and those not in the
* plugin manager when the parameter pluginCmds is empty


* { codebase: "1.0.2", plugin: "v1.02a" }(2020 Sep 14 GMT 0700):
* 1. Lets you use text instead of command for plugin command names
* 2. Lets you use text instead of arg for plugin command argument names
* 3. Plugin command name collisions across plugins will no longer exist
* if newPluginFileCmds is used wisely
* 4. Explained some applications of newPluginFileCmds
* 5. Renamed pluginCmds into pluginFileCmds
* 6. Renamed newPluginCmds into newPluginFileCmds
* 7. Increased the effectiveness and efficiency when reading plugin
* commands from the plugin file contents

* { codebase: "1.1.0", plugin: "v1.03b" }(2020 Nov 27 GMT 0400):
* 1. You no longer have to edit the value of
* DoubleX_RMMZ.Plugin_Command_Lines.PLUGIN_NAME when changing this
* plugin file name
Pages: 1