This is an expanded graphic set that can be used in SMBX games, originally compiled by Red Yoshi

  • kentona
  • 09/20/2011 04:59 PM
This is an expanded graphic set that can be used in SMBX games, originally compiled by Red Yoshi and added to by me.

You can use the graphics in this pack to replace tiles, NPCs, backgrounds, etc... in your game.


  • 64.9 MB
  • 3223
  • 06/22/2024 08:30 AM



Pages: 1
It is impossible in SMBX to making rotating platforms?
"My father told me this would happen."
If you mean SMW rotating platforms, you sort of can by replacing the Firebar sprites with SMW platform graphics.

If you mean Yoshi's Island Mode 7 Shenanigans, nope.
It is impossible in SMBX to making expanding platforms?
nope, but you can stack platforms onto the same tile with move events, so you can probably fake it.
It is impossible in SMBX to making rotating Reznor?
How good are you at math? You can only move platforms up/down and/or left/right, so to mimic the movement of a circle you would have to chain together a long series of move commands that roughly approximates the path of a circle. There is no "rotate" movement that I know of. Good luck!
It is impossible in SMBX to making Boomerang Brothers?
It is impossible in SMBX to making Boomerang Brothers?
It is impossible in SMBX to make Boomerang Brothers?
Yes, it is possible in SMBX to making SMW Turn Block Bridges using Events and Layers!
Pages: 1