
First and foremost, thanks to Archeia_Nessiah for the wonderful event page CSS!

Make the spookiest Halloween game ever for your chance to win a 100-dollar Steam Gift Card and other prizes!

All Hallows' Event 2013 is upon us! You have until October 31st at 11:59 PM UTC to make a complete game in any engine based on one or more of the following themes:

- Ghost Stories
- Survival Horror
- Monster Attack
- Halloween Comedy
- Nonfiction Horror

Each of these themes is fairly broad, and you can combine one or more themes! Just please let us know in your game description which theme(s) you are focusing on.

A panel of judges will play each game and rank the top three entries. Users may vote for their favorite game once the contest is over; voting will be handled through this page. Results will be announced via podcast.

Step 1: Sign up for the contest in the "Registration" section below this event description. You can enter this event solo or as a team. Additionally, you may submit as many games or join as many teams as you'd like.
Step 2: Create your game page. Normal submission rules apply.
Step 3: Post your download to the game page once it's approved.
Step 4: Submit your game download to the contest by using the commands on the upper-right corner of this page.

1st Place: A 100-dollar Steam Gift Card from Deckiller!
2nd Place: A copy of the RPG Maker DS+ Resource Pack, sponsored by RPG Maker Web!
3rd Place: A Steam Key for A-Train 8, sponsored by Degica!


Peoples' Choice: Anything from the RPG Maker Web store, sponsored by RPG Maker Web!


1st Place: 100 Makerscore Achievement
2nd Place: 80 Makerscore
3rd Place: 70 Makerscore
Best of each theme: 60 Makerscore
Voters' Choice: 100 Makerscore
Participation: 50 Makerscore

Achievements coming soon...

  • The game must be relate to at least one of the five themes: ghost stories, survival horror, monster attack, Halloween comedy, or nonfiction horror. Unsure if you game meets the theme? Just ask!
  • You may use ANY game development engine.
  • Only completed games are allowed! NO DEMOS!
  • Preexisting resources may be used, but no games that were started before the beginning of the event are allowed.
  • No late submissions; the deadline is strictly 11:59pm UTC on Halloween (October 31, 2013). Exceptions may be made if judges find a game-breaking bug.
  • No team limit.
  • You may submit as many games and join as many teams as you'd like.
  • Judges' entries will not be ranked, but they will still quality for the voters' choice achievement.
  • All necessary files must be included in the download.
  • Only one of each prize is available - please take this into account if you're on a team.
  • If the winner does not want a prize, s/he will pass it to the 2nd place winner, and so on, until we find a person who wants it.
  • All of RMN's normal policies apply.
  • If you have any questions, ask in the comments section or PM Deckiller.


  • 10/01/2013 03:46 AM
  • 11/01/2013 12:59 AM
  • 11/25/2013 12:00 PM
  • Any
  • Caz


You must be logged in to sign up for All Hallows' Event 2013.

Teams Members Entry Votes
I must have a Death Wish
  • 0
  • 0
Tiny Tale Games
  • 0
Jomarcenter Studio - Project Illusion
  • 1
  • 0
Owls owly owl
  • 2
  • 0
Team Somebody
  • 1
  • 1
  • 0
Classwork that happens to fall into the same timeframe as this
  • 0
Crawling Eye
  • 0
Team Abysstree
  • 1
Grandma's House
  • 0
  • 0
Stron9est Studios
  • 0
Dark Pupil Productions
  • 0
  • 0
The Final Sin
  • 0
Scarebear Countdown! 5-4-3-2-1!
  • 1
Demonfly Studios
  • 1
  • 0
Spiders are scary right????
  • 0
  • 1
RM Coalition presents: Zombies
  • 1
Indrah and the "last minute entries are totally a thing"
  • 0
  • 0
Story tellers
  • 1
  • 0
Team we want to work on games but no time
Ooooh, scary!
Dibs on Judge Dredd!
The Z is for Spooky Ghost Girl
??X, ?????, ?????, ?????, ?????
Halloween Wars
Rainbow Brite, Murder Empress
Killer Machines
Team AestheticGamer
Rational Fears
Cubic NorthStar
Yesno's Undecided Munchkins
Ghost in the Machine
The Darksters
SMC Games
I love John Carpenter
Shall I show you dis pear?
Scary Chocobos~
Team CorrosiveDude
Let's Let Gourdy Win Because He's a Cool Guy
Pagan Blood
sanggameboy's Team
Various Artists
MaMa is back and at it once more~
Buju Mystery
Just for fun
Xtheme Core Dev
i am hiromu656
Dark Brotherhood
Wise Productions
Me, myself and I
Krimson Games
Team Cheesecake
DawnSeeker Studio
Games in Time
Solest Games
Team Grape
Something is Bubbling in the Cauldron
Tricky Avian
The Bard
The Conspicuous Bananas
Jet and the Stewards
The god of horror
RyanAvx - HappyCatMusics
Black Swallowtail
Mustache Cash-Stache x Infinity
Mike Gidop
Serial killers are monsters yes?


I to want complete something for this! Give me inspiration!

How about one of the suggested mini games for Infection? ^^

I am instituting a raffle for this, post-event.

Post-All Hallows' Event II Review Challenge: kentona's Nostalgia Edition

Review a game made for the All Hallows' Event II during the first, oh, 3 weeks of November, and you will be entered in a draw to win one of four Steam games! I have 2 copies of Final Fantasy VII and 2 copies of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition to give away. (I loved those games back in the day, hence the 'nostalgia edition' moniker)

Details to be confirmed on November 1st!

You the practice of self-promotion
Hey, love that challenge! Now I do have an excuse to play some gams and write a review for at least one of them. Regarding the prizes, those are definitely oldies but goodies that I've played a long time ago. I wouldn't mind continuing my lucky giveaway streak ... Which reminds me I haven't done anything recently regarding my other prizes (sighs),
the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is
I to want complete something for this! Give me inspiration!
How about one of the suggested mini games for Infection? ^^
I probably will do an abs! ID really like to.
I spent the first week hmming and haaing over whether I was willing to take a break from my current project to enter this or not. Still not 100% committed yet, but we do have an interesting idea now. Might flesh it out over the next day or two and see if it's going to lead to anything significant.
owned a Vita and WiiU. I know failure
I spent the first week hmming and haaing over whether I was willing to take a break from my current project to enter this or not. Still not 100% committed yet, but we do have an interesting idea now. Might flesh it out over the next day or two and see if it's going to lead to anything significant.
Do it. Take the plunge. It's just three weeks. I originally thought "Hmmm. Can I actually make something worthwhile in this time? Will it interfere with that one-night Salsa lesson? I guess I'll go for it." And now I'm having so much fun. Never would have made a game like this normally.
Do it. Take the plunge. It's just three weeks. I originally thought "Hmmm. Can I actually make something worthwhile in this time? Will it interfere with that one-night Salsa lesson? I guess I'll go for it." And now I'm having so much fun. Never would have made a game like this normally.

It's just a matter of my current project is being actively worked on, and I'd hate to kill the momentum it has going. It's got a target demo date set and everything.

I've had both successful and unsuccessful contest projects before, so I know how it goes with these things. In fact, the game I'm currently working on is the first game in a long time that's not for a contest.

But... I am already attached to the inspiration that hit tonight.
Oh man, I forgot to suggest Mind Fuck and Nightmare as categories for this event. >.<; I have the perfect nightmare, too, including sheep, even! (Think skeletal wolves in rotten sheep's skin, herding mind-washed people to a place of no return every night. Yes, I dreamt that. No, I didn't wake up crying thank you very much... or not much, anyway. ;.;)

That said I have two possible ideas - one being a Battle Royale/999/Liar cross-type game with teams and being able to play both sides (killer and survivor); the other being a Real Time Experience, where you have one hour to run around and explore the Witching Hour (13th hour). When time runs out, you wake in your bed and depending on what you did, certain endings are gained. (Like, for instance, if you killed the scarecrow, perhaps you wake to your father having been murdered in his sleep...)

The problem with the Witching hour one is that I don't want to take too long on the game so I don't get carried away and miss out on finishing MaMa. With a lot of choices comes a lot of coding and endings mean more conditions and coding. That, and it doesn't quite fit any of the themes.

I can swing the other into a survival horror, though, but I'm going to have to set plot points up and there's a lot more writing involved.

Maybe I'll flip a coin or something, but that's where I'm at, currently. How about you guys?
Hm i Wonder if i can pul somethi goff here/
As I said I think it's wisest for me to concentrate on the MaMa entry first; that way I know I'll have at least 1 thing to show for my troubles.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
LouisCyphre and I already have three google docs going, haha. I also need to get a robot to do my mapping for me.
Welp. I went from "this is interesting," to "maybe I'll help someone's team with graphics," to "solo project with custom graphics, go go go!"

Although I'm probably at a severe disadvantage for squandering the entire first week in deciding whether or not to participate...oh well. C'est la vie!
I haven't even started visualizing the conceptualization process yet. I should probably just give up now and do the mapping for someone, or something.
Does anyone have any ideas what I could make?
The only idea I had was after seeing a billboard for a play here, and it was titled Regina has pretty ghosts. That just sounded like an interesting title, and I figured I could come up with something inspired by that. Like maybe looking up some local ghost stories. But so far...nothing.
My game page got accepted Now all I have to do is to work on my game and be done with it.
Game page:
Does anyone have any ideas what I could make?

...a map? For MaMa? ;p
what is MaMa

e: nvm found it, these two losers below me still seem clueless tho
what is MaMa
what is MaMa
what is MaMa
what is MaMa