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Since I got my wisdom teeth pulled I haven't been able to play my horn any. Also, because I am super scared of doing permanent damage and making it take longer to recover I've been taking it easy on physical activities. The other day I actually opted not to play softball with my friends. Which killed me. But it ended up pouring so I didn't feel too bad. Anyway, as my free time grows since my job has basically died down as well , I've taken a keen interest in getting better at Smash Brothers. This made me think. There's gotta be some smashers on board here. Now I've been to Smashboards, and the wealth of information is incredible. The posters and general look of the place makes me think a bunch of 14 year olds are meeting and sometimes I want to stab myself. Regardless, here's a few questions to get the topic going.

-Do you play Smash Bros?
If so, would you consider yourself a leisure player (parties, friends) or more competitive.

-Character of choice? Why?

-Have you ever fought in a tournament of any sorts?

Personally, I have always played for leisure. It's a great social game and I always enjoyed playing it in big groups with my friends. Though certain friends and I had competitive rivalries they were always in good fun and we didn't take it too seriously. None of us were any good either, since we never practiced.

My character of choice would be Samus. First off I never played a single metroid game, and I'm not even sure what made me lead to picking her. But I liked her missiles because I could blow people off the stage when they were returning. Recently I've been watching several movies of people who use her and I'm getting a grasp on good techniques. Also of note, I HATE Marth. The biggest jap fag ever. Any time someone uses that faggot I always mock them by shouting highly stereotypical "jap sword man grunts" such as "Toraa!" "Hyaa!" "I unsheash the excalibur.... of the dark knights" Shit like that. Makes them feel pretty gay. I am totally a mind game player, and I like to be cocky to give myself some sort of mental advantage (I don't think it ever works though).

I have never played in tournaments. But once I'd like to go watch one. Maybe participate. If this trumpet thing doesn't work out, I'm dedicating my life to Smash.

Over and out.
1. im a leasure player my self so i know what ya mean

2. Link! im a big zelda fan and if you think about it his a medevil verson of samus cuz he all so has range but you cant beat his sword attacks! they kick major ass!

3. as for tourment i play some peaple at school ( we have a smash bro club) and i beat some and loss to some so i say im a good player not as good as i could be
It's like toothpicks against a tank
I used to play like crazy.

Favorite Character to play as: Roy. I'm a HUGE fire emblem fanboy. The fact that it wasn't released until FE6 in America is crappy. Roy happens to be the main hero of Fire Emblem 6. Yes yes, he's clearly inferior to Marth in terms of raw fighting ability, but I never played FE 1 or 3, which were the games Marth headed up.

Top Tier fighters: Marth. IMO one of the most incredibly overpowered characters in the game, if not the most. His speed, accuracy and execution of attacks is unparalleled. Can juggle people on the ground and in the air without interruption. I don't share Erave's less than refined "jap-fag" hatred of Marth, though. He's Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem is god.

Captain Falcon. Man does that mofo have powerful specials. The sliding kicks are amazing, and the Falcon Punch is one very overlooked and deadly skill in the right hands. Toned down from his broken invincibility of N64 SSB, but still quite good.

Princess Peach. Yeah, you heard me. Her moves are instant, and ULTRA strong and hard-hitting. She's slow as molasses, but makes up for it in having among the highest damage-dealing in the game. Almost impossible to KO to the sides. Her butt-using moves are entertaining, but I avoid them because of their long recovery time. Peach is packin too much junk in that trunk I suppose.

Falco. Another overpowered sonuva bitch. Incredibly fast and powerful at the same time. Just about as cheaply overpowered as Fox/Falcon was in SSB for N64.

Scrubs: Mario, Young link, Bowser, Ganondorf, Ice Climbers.

everyone else. Jiggly Puff is almost a top tier, but not quite. Zelda(Shiek) is very similar to Marth in terms of cheapness/speed, but is quite weak in comparison. Everyone loves Samus. Super powerful moves, but so achingly slow I can't stand playing her.
-Do you play Smash Bros?
Used to until my gamecube was stolen. However I never had any plans to rebuy it all back. During when I had it I simply played it for usual friend get togethers. However I would pretty much dominate anyone since I owned the game.

-Character of choice? Why?
Falco, I find his speed and attack very well balanced for me (Fox is too fast and lacks some firepower). Sometimes I tend to use Jiggly Puff because his roll is a fun finisher.

I honestly think SSBM tournaments are dumb from the look of it. Take SSBM, make only one available stage: Final Destination, delete all the characters (except Fox, Marth, and Sheik), and disable all items. Now you've just witnessed a regular match/setting in an SSBM tourney.
-Do you play Smash Bros?
Yes I do. I haven't played it for a few months now but that is simply due to time constraints and being busy. But yes I do still whip it out to have a bash at. I consider myself fairly competitive, despite not partaking in any of the techniques such as wavedashing.

-Character of choice? Why?
I normally choose between Ganondorf and Jigglypuff. Ganondorf is my first choice for a number of reasons: a) I am a big Zelda fan, b) Ganondorf looks cool and has a cape, and c) because of his wicked attack power coupled with a refined movepool that Bowser could only dream about. However if I am unable to play as 'dorf (usually by friends banning me from using him) then I would stick with Jigglypuff. Several years later and they still lower their defences for the cute pink squeaky-voiced Pokemon and his almighty Rest move. They also never see Rollout approaching either.

-Have you ever fought in a tournament of any sorts?

We should hold some sort of RMN tournament following the release of Brawl! Hehe.

-Do you play Smash Bros?
Not avidly, anymore. I don't have the time to regularly practice, but I still play occassionally, and am quite good. I'm certain that I'll get back into it once Brawl's release draws near, anyway.

-Character of choice? Why?
I play as a variety of characters, simply because I rarely play competitively. However, if I would have to limit myself, I would probably be inclined to say either Ganondorf, Sheik, or Peach.

No. =(
-Do you play Smash Bros?
I used to play it all the time but once my friends stopped playing and I got beat in a few tournaments I stopped. Now I am waiting for Brawl to come out.

-Character of choice? Why?
I like to play as them all. It used to be Samus but after the last tournament I played in everyone was playing as Samus which was a turn off. Instead I tried playing as random characters like Kirby and Game and Watch.

Yes. They are not as fun as you think. Most people play the same characters and use the same game breaking tactics to win.
-Do you play Smash Bros?
I used to play Super Smash Bros all the time. If I look at the stats page, I have something like 800 wins with each character.

-Character of choice? Why?
I like to play as them all but Pikachu was my favorite. He was so freaking agile. Samus was by far my least favorite character because she has so few attacks that would actually send a player flying.

Just with my friends.

Please keep in mind that I have never played SSBM (I don't own a gamecube) but I tried it once in-store. I found the controller awkward.
I'm not comfortable with any idea that can't be expressed in the form of men's jewelry
I like Samus and Captain Falcon.

Also, at SFLFest 06, Sei totally mopped the floor with us while using Sheik.
Is Sheik actually good? Seems she lacks any good smashes.
"It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff."
I usually play as Pikachu or Marth, while my friend Jamie always used Kirby. I don't think I'd ever play in a tournament.
I haven't played in a while, but sometimes when company is over I bust out ye olde GameCube and play a few rounds.

Favorite characters are in order: Link, Ganondorf, Peach, Falco, Young Link, and then Zelda/Sheik.

I've tried to once but I was snowed out, and I haven't tried since. I also miss the $12 bucks I flushed in the process. :(
-Do you play Smash Bros?

Yup. Just the casual game here and there. Nothing serious.

-Character of choice? Why?

Mario. Headbutt is a strong kicking out move and his triple jump is invaluable. I also like his fireballs especially against Kirby opponents who like to suck up Mario...

Captain Falcon is another favourite. Two words: FALCON BOMB!

-Have you ever fought in a tournament of any sorts?

No and I never will! I hate tourneys because I always lose early on. :'(
-Do you play Smash Bros? If so, would you consider yourself a leisure player (parties, friends) or more competitive.

I am definitely a leisure player, nothing more. I like the games but generally don't play them often because my friends aren't interested in that. I'm looking forward to playing Brawl online :).

-Character of choice? Why?

Depends. When I do play I LOVE to play Ness, hide in a corner, and PK Thunder other people just to annoy them (because they're usually better than me and I will lose.) However, when I feel like not playing like a bitch I'll do Cpt. Falcon; his power special attacks are just my thing, since I usually just get away with quick cheap attacks :P.

-Have you ever fought in a tournament of any sorts?

Nope! I did play a lot of the game last fall with some guys from the dorms, but that ended when I moved out.
I didn't get to play Melee much as I didn't own a gamecube until late and never bothered to pick it up. However, I did quite like playing as Zelda/Sheik and Young Link.

In the original, I was -all- about Link and Ness, though. I was da bomb with Link, so my friends often forced me to play as someone else (kinda like Nightmare in Soul Calibre 2 and 3), which was either Ness or Samus. Ness was just to piss people off, as I could stay in the air forever so unless you smash me out, I'd never ring out. Samus just because Metroid rocks.

I hope they make a Metroid into an Assist Trophy in SSB:Brawl.
Originally Posted by prexus
I hope they make a Metroid into an Assist Trophy in SSB:Brawl.

They should!

Favorite character from the original was Fox due to his ungodly speed and kick ass ass kicking abilities with Link being a close second cuz throws were just that good back then. I didn't really like how he got watered down in Melee much, but I guess it was for the best.
-Do you play Smash Bros?
yeah and i consider myself as a leisure player.

-Character of choice? Why?
young link- fast and im really good with his sword
yoshi- i love making my enemies into eggs :D
kirby- the ability to suck enemies and gain their powers.

-Have you ever fought in a tournament of any sorts?
friends and parties
I never played Super Smash Brothers Melee because I never bought a gamecube. I'm only now building a library of 'Cube games because of my Wii. I might as well wait for Brawl at this point.

I enjoyed the original and it was one of the few games I could coax guests to play.

I play primarily as Mario and Samus. Simply because they're from my favorite Nintendo franchises.

Occasionally, I'll use Ness.

I have never been to a tournament for any game franchise ever. I'm not even aware of any in my area.

-Do you play Smash Bros?
If so, would you consider yourself a leisure player (parties, friends) or more competitive.

I used to play it CONSTANTLY with my friends, a few years ago. We were really into it, big-time. Unfortunately they kept playing it while I stopped and they got better and better while I stayed where I was. They ended up going to national tournaments and shit and I just lost interest in playing with them. I might play for fun once in a while now but very rarely.

-Character of choice? Why?

I usually just go random. If I'm in a funny mood I might use DK because I think his sidestep is hilarious or sometimes I might use Luigi with the aim of kicking someone with his taunt. If I'm able to do that in the match I consider it a victory for myself (remember that I'm just used to losing since the people I play with are way out of my league so I amuse myself in other ways while they wave-dash and shuffle all over eachother).

I used to use Falco because I really like his short hop and shooting thing to annoy opponents, and sometimes I used to use Sheik or Young Link too. But I stopped taking the game too seriously over two years ago and haven't had a favorite or best character since then.

-Have you ever fought in a tournament of any sorts?

I have participated in some small local ones and I've gotten my ass kicked. Like I said, my friends have gone to the national tournament a few times and regularly go to state tournaments and are in the top three or something in the state. I just don't have the time for that sort of thing. :\

Nesskid and Lock on that list are the guys I play with.
1. I'm a leisure player.
2. Falco, he's really balanced. If I'm feeling fiendish however, I pull out Pichu because I HAVE NEVER LOST WITH THIS CHARACTER.
3. Hell no! I'm not that good.
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