It's that time of year again. The time to sit back, relax, and create quilts!
Note- It's for fun, so feel free to try it out even if you don't think you are a good at pixel art!
There is no real deadline, but let's try to finish this before the 25th.
Previous Quilts:
Current Quilt:
Save your additions as a PNG file.
A1 - Archeia_Nessiah (Done)
A2 - Jeroen_Sol (Done)
A3 - Gourd_Clae (Done)
A4 - Irili (Done)
A5 - SnowOwl (Done)
B1 - Caz (Done)
B2 - alterego (Done)
B3 - MikiMoon (Done)
B4 - Allen Hunter (Done)
B5 - kentona (Done)
C1 - Sooz (Done)
C2 - JosephSeraph (Done)
C4 - iddalai (D0ne)
C5 - StarSkipp (Done)
D1 - Dudesoft (Done)
D2 - seiromen (Done)
D3 - MrChearlie(Done)
D4 - PepsiOtaku (Done)
D5 - modernglory (Done)
E1 - kory_toombs (Done)
E2 - Backwards_Cowboy (Done)
E3 - arandomgamemaker (Done)
E4 - Someoneman (Done)
E5 - MajoracanKing (Done)
Rules are simple. Add onto the picture 'quilt' by pixelling on one of the panels. If we run out of room, just expand the canvas size! Just make sure it fits the quilt dimensions.
- You can choose any square that you want, as long as it is not taken by another person.
- Try to make the borders of your square match the borders of the squares surrounding them.
- Put whatever you want in your square! Just keep it appropriate.
Note- It's for fun, so feel free to try it out even if you don't think you are a good at pixel art!
There is no real deadline, but let's try to finish this before the 25th.
Previous Quilts:
Current Quilt:
Save your additions as a PNG file.
A1 - Archeia_Nessiah (Done)
A2 - Jeroen_Sol (Done)
A3 - Gourd_Clae (Done)
A4 - Irili (Done)
A5 - SnowOwl (Done)
B1 - Caz (Done)
B2 - alterego (Done)
B3 - MikiMoon (Done)
B4 - Allen Hunter (Done)
B5 - kentona (Done)
C1 - Sooz (Done)
C2 - JosephSeraph (Done)
C4 - iddalai (D0ne)
C5 - StarSkipp (Done)
D1 - Dudesoft (Done)
D2 - seiromen (Done)
D3 - MrChearlie(Done)
D4 - PepsiOtaku (Done)
D5 - modernglory (Done)
E1 - kory_toombs (Done)
E2 - Backwards_Cowboy (Done)
E3 - arandomgamemaker (Done)
E4 - Someoneman (Done)
E5 - MajoracanKing (Done)
I'll snag E2 while it's open. Seems like an easier panel for my spriting level.
Well, here's E2. Behold the majestic dove. I wasn't sure what else to add, being in the sky and all, so I threw in another cloud.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Both of the previous ones were mostly sky and it made things get kinda difficult. I'm not gonna tell anyone what to draw, though.
Remember, you don't have to pick a tile adjacent to a tile someone else has drawn. Someone could draw A1 right now. But if you call a tile that's adjacent to other tiles that have already been called, be sure to wait until they're done and posted before starting yours.
Remember, you don't have to pick a tile adjacent to a tile someone else has drawn. Someone could draw A1 right now. But if you call a tile that's adjacent to other tiles that have already been called, be sure to wait until they're done and posted before starting yours.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
I'll take A2.
Would Gimp work for doing this? Do I just copy the entire image and paste it as new image? What is the grid size? Don't know if I'll officially do anything yet, have to see what it looks like after I'm finished.
Edit: Gimp seems to work fine just need to copy and save the previous patterns.
I'll take E1 for now. Probably draw some sort of lame ass cloud or sun.
Gimp will certainly work! Just right click the image in the first post, save it, and start spriting away!
Each individual square on the board is 64 X 64 big.
Each individual square on the board is 64 X 64 big.
In case you can't tell, it is a girl crying because she dropped a present off of a cliff. The cliff has water coming from it and is the edge of a massive floating chunk of land. originally it was meant to be a women crying in memory of someone falling off the cliff (you would see the ghost of the person falling) ,but that is to dark for christmaz time.
In case you can't tell, it is a girl crying because she dropped a present off of a cliff. The cliff has water coming from it and is the edge of a massive floating chunk of land. originally it was meant to be a women crying in memory of someone falling off the cliff (you would see the ghost of the person falling) ,but that is to dark for christmaz time.