Well she said the 'no :S lol lmfao retardd :S' in separate instant messages! like one after another... I'm still confused to this day which is why I don't have a girlfriend and never have had one, I'm not too bothered to be honest but sometimes seeing other people and couples happy kind of tempts me too.
its all an act, trust me. We just pretend to be happy so as to lure other unsuspecting people into our private hell.
I don't really see what you're confused about precisely. She rejected you, man.
it's not so wrong to feel lonely, my friend. It's probably one of the most human qualities you can have! But you have to pick your battles when it comes to women. A girl won't always like you the same way you like her.
1. Never put all your cards on the table. Let her discover who you are, don't tell her out right.
2. Feelings take time to develop, so don't even try to rush into things.
3. Girls want it just as bad as guys do.
4. Be bold; don't be afraid to ask a girl out. A lack of confidence is probably the most unattractive thing to women.
5. Affection is nice, but don't be too touchy. You want to make a girl feel comfortable around you, so be friendly, but not TOO friendly.
6. Conversation is key. You must speak to women before they can notice you. They won't approach you in most instances. So you have to be able to carry a conversation. (Note: Women like talking about themselves, so try asking questions about her, maybe comment on her clothes or hairstyle to break the ice.)
7. Physical attractiveness is the first thing anyone will see when considering any form of relationship. It's not the most important thing of course, but it's what will get you past that first step, so always be clean cut, dress well, brush your teeth, and smell nice.
8. Stay positive! Women don't want to date a mopey person. Maintain a healthy laughter and consistent smile. A bright cheerful person is an attractive person.
These all come from personal experience. I don't know whether or not these guidelines hold any water, but they are rules I've followed in my days of prowling.
it's not so wrong to feel lonely, my friend. It's probably one of the most human qualities you can have! But you have to pick your battles when it comes to women. A girl won't always like you the same way you like her.
1. Never put all your cards on the table. Let her discover who you are, don't tell her out right.
2. Feelings take time to develop, so don't even try to rush into things.
3. Girls want it just as bad as guys do.
4. Be bold; don't be afraid to ask a girl out. A lack of confidence is probably the most unattractive thing to women.
5. Affection is nice, but don't be too touchy. You want to make a girl feel comfortable around you, so be friendly, but not TOO friendly.
6. Conversation is key. You must speak to women before they can notice you. They won't approach you in most instances. So you have to be able to carry a conversation. (Note: Women like talking about themselves, so try asking questions about her, maybe comment on her clothes or hairstyle to break the ice.)
7. Physical attractiveness is the first thing anyone will see when considering any form of relationship. It's not the most important thing of course, but it's what will get you past that first step, so always be clean cut, dress well, brush your teeth, and smell nice.
8. Stay positive! Women don't want to date a mopey person. Maintain a healthy laughter and consistent smile. A bright cheerful person is an attractive person.
These all come from personal experience. I don't know whether or not these guidelines hold any water, but they are rules I've followed in my days of prowling.
They sound accurate to me. I would also recommend:
9. Take stock of yourself and determine what you want in a relationship with the gender of your preference. Don't let yourself stay stuck in a relationship that makes you profoundly unhappy.
9. Take stock of yourself and determine what you want in a relationship with the gender of your preference. Don't let yourself stay stuck in a relationship that makes you profoundly unhappy.
post=89222No one does! At least at first. And it changes! The more you are in a relationship (or relationships), the more you learn about yourself. Follow step #4, and #9 will follow.
I don't really know to be honest!
If you're having trouble meeting women, try to involve yourself in more social activities. Go to parties, do volunteer work, go to a concert, go to the park and walk yer dog, etc.
The biggest thing is you can't be afraid to approach women. Just be friendly!
The biggest thing is you can't be afraid to approach women. Just be friendly!
you always got option 2:
A concert is probably the best way to meet a girl ever. The atmosphere changes alot, and you can get away with alot of things easily. Besides that, music makes girls horny.
Apparently I'm part of a minority, I am with my dream girl. Took years of dating lots of people but it ended up working out, and now I'm with the person I'm going to marry.
If you are shy and looking for a way to meet girls, you could get a tattoo. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I can't even begin to tell you how many times complete strangers have started conversations with me by asking about my tattoos. One thing leads to another and next thing you know they're asking to give you their number. I've had to turn a few girls down that were trying to ask me out, and I'm a pretty reserved person who rarely talks to strangers.
If you are shy and looking for a way to meet girls, you could get a tattoo. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I can't even begin to tell you how many times complete strangers have started conversations with me by asking about my tattoos. One thing leads to another and next thing you know they're asking to give you their number. I've had to turn a few girls down that were trying to ask me out, and I'm a pretty reserved person who rarely talks to strangers.
The closest I got to sex was some girl's boobs fell out of her shirt(Bra was probably cheap, and yes they were big) It happened in the eighth grade. I think it served her right for dressing like a slut. And I haven't been in a relationship(unless you count puppy love) I have lots of friends that are girls but none I would be comfortable dating. I have a fear that I might lose their friendship during the relationship.
All I can say about me is this:
0/3 man...
It ain't gonna happen. ^^
I'm cool with it, but I will never go gay. That's the coward's way out.
0/3 man...
It ain't gonna happen. ^^
I'm cool with it, but I will never go gay. That's the coward's way out.
I stand by what I said. ^^
All girls hate me, just a fact. Will never change.
The problem is that we don't know what the hell you said.
post=90021That's a conveniently self defeating attitude. Most people judge you based on how you treat them. I realize there's exceptions to this, but you can improve how people think of you by changing how you act towards them.
All girls hate me, just a fact. Will never change.
Never dated anyone due to bad luck with girls, but I did go to prom with this one girl as a friend since she was apparently dating someone else. We're still great friends to this day, but I wish to have a real girlfriend at some point. At nineteen, almost on my sophomore year of college, I'll keep trying. Just got to keep respecting the girls. The more friends the better. If I keep respecting the opposite sex, I hope to one day form a closer relationship with someone else, but still as friends, just a mutual friendship for the time being. Of course, I'll wait a while before I consider marriage, but I've got better things to think about for now. I guess the secret to building a stable relationship is to respect and befriend members of the opposite sex, isn't it? I hope that I'm doing things correctly.