Forums :: Videogames
I was wondering how popular these games are in RPG Maker communities. Who plays them?
Tactical elements surface in RPG Makers games from time to time.
Tactical elements surface in RPG Makers games from time to time.
Jeez, that just reminds me that I need to get back to work on my Let's plays for the GBA Fire Emblem games at some point, but I'm guessing they are somewhat popular considering the release of SRPG Studio on steam.
I have a love-hate relationship with the Advance Wars series. It's fun and fulfilling, but it just takes so LONG to do each mission, especially if you're aiming for triple-S score. x.x Fire Emblem has similar issues plus the dread of losing characters who aren't just nameless units. I've only played through Path of Radiance (well, and a decent bit of FE: Heroes, just to keep abreast of what Nintendo's doing in the mobile space), and I have no intention of playing any more FE anytime soon, as I can't even keep up with my game backlog as-is.
I find Fire Emblem to be super grindy and just like half way through those games level design being just: "this map has like 100+ units to fight". The losing characters thing does not engage me and seems like a really bad difficulty toggle. Advance Wars I have a soft spot for but I kind of fell off after black hole rising and idk the reboot DS one was neat. I have no interest in paying new game price for a gba game bundle though.
Into the Breach made me not want to look back on the older SRPGs because I feel the genre can really get bogged down in the numbers and grinding. I just don't think long bouts of strategy mixes well with a lot of repetition. Into the Breach has way less of a progression but each battle feels like an actual puzzle. It is kind of a different flow due to the roguelike nature but I really think SRPGs are due for a change.
Now that I think about it, Aurora Wing by DFalcon was an RPGMaker tactics game I remember people talked up a lot. Idk if it aged well interface wise but I remember it being well balanced for something custom made in rm2k3.
Into the Breach made me not want to look back on the older SRPGs because I feel the genre can really get bogged down in the numbers and grinding. I just don't think long bouts of strategy mixes well with a lot of repetition. Into the Breach has way less of a progression but each battle feels like an actual puzzle. It is kind of a different flow due to the roguelike nature but I really think SRPGs are due for a change.
Now that I think about it, Aurora Wing by DFalcon was an RPGMaker tactics game I remember people talked up a lot. Idk if it aged well interface wise but I remember it being well balanced for something custom made in rm2k3.
Forums :: Videogames