
Pages: 1
I'm making a nifty little battle system. Everyone has skills that "change forms" with huge common events linked to them. One of the functions of changing forms is adding 10-100% of a stat. For example, when one character switches to one of his forms, his Attack is raised by 50%. When multiplying a variable, there's no option to multiply it by a percentage of itself, and when I enter "1.5" for a constant to multiply by, it sets it as 0 when I click OK. Is there any way to multiply a stat by 1.5 temporarily?
Haha no problem. Complex fractions (or whatever they're called) are very handy in these integer based games!
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Improper fractions, btw.

An alternative, if you want something like 169.4%, would be to multiply by 10^x and divide by the proper number.

1/7 of 20:
20 * 100 / 70 = 28 (rounded down)
Pages: 1