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Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
Okay, time is always an issue for me lately, so here is the quick and dirty (no screenshots or anything) 3-Hour Round-Up!
To conclude the Max McGee's three hour makeoff event.

I am having some technical difficulties with hosting right now, so stay tuned for missing DL links to reappear.

The Purse Snatcher
Great Red Spirit
DL: http://grs.negative0.net/RPGMaker/ThePurseSnatcher.zip

As perhaps the lamest super villain ever, the purse snatcher, your power is to...flee. At moderate speed. Through an endlessly scrolling background and a series of inexplicable obstacles. This game is mildly entertaining and impressively complete considering the time it was made in, just half of the time of most of these three hours. In other words, this is a basically working minigame, in 90 minutes. In the words of Darth Vader..."Impressive".

Great Red Spirit
DL: http://chaosproductions.neg0.ca/RPGmaker/Other Projects/calculator.rar

If you are a real man, you will at least try to do this math based game without a calculator. In short, the cohesiveness of vision and how "complete" it feels impressed me. Also it is very silly.

I Expect You To Die
DL: http://kentona.rpgmaker.net/misc/SuperDuper.rar

This very very silly game by Kentona that contains an incredible not one, not two, not three, not four, but at least five (kind of) working mini-games, a SECRET VOLCANO LAIR, and a good spoof of Bondesque antics and Bond villains. If the three hour competition had a winner, this would be it.

Everything Turns Technicolour
Little Wing Guy
DL: http://kentona.rpgmaker.net/3Hour/Everything%20Turns%20Technicolour.rar

This is everything I expect from a three hour. Overly ambitious, buggy as hell, and truncated at the three minute mark in a HILARIOUSLY abrupt manner, which marks the most amusing use of the "Show Choice" command I have ever seen.

Fractal Advocate
DL: http://kentona.rpgmaker.net/3Hour/3_hour_game.rar

Another silly game (shocker) with some pretty clever ideas (mechanically) that are hampered by (understandably) boring, tedious, and poorly balanced boss battles. Also, the humor as hit and miss. All in all, pretty good for a three-hour.

Max McGee
DL: http://kentona.rpgmaker.net/3Hour/Rampage.rar
(Warning: File is ludicrously bloated with unnecessary resources because I kind of dumped all my resources in it at the start of the comp and did not get a chance to RM Tool it before the time was up. That's okay, it's still pretty small by today's standards.)

Recap/Author's Explanation:
The only project done for the three hour that wasn't silly, by intention or otherwise. What I did for this was I, in quick sketch, created my own comic book super villain, with his own set of powers, and also created an even rougher sketch of the world he lived in and the forces at work there.

The villain's name is Sigil, and the source of his power is occult in nature; he has sold various parts of his body and spirit to demons in exchange for dark power. He can use magic to turn invisible, drain the life force of his enemies, call hellfire, kill enemies, and reanimate the dead. Because he's a comic book villain, he's also no slouch with his fists and feet, and has used magic to make himself super strong, super fast, etc. Essentially an evil version of Marvel comics' Dr. Strange.

Then I made perhaps a single 22 page comic books' worth of action/entertainment, where you play as the bad guy, kill cops, fight super heroes, and so forth. Combat was balanced to be semi-balanced but to still make you feel like a badass; it also has something that you'll never see in any other RPG, a death spell that actually works a reasonable percent of the time.

I would really love some feedback on this. I think it is very representative of the BEST I can do with RM2k3 in three hours at this stage in my career. Also, I included passing reference to both the Medieval France and zombie themes.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
I personally feel that three-hours can be used to make some serious competition... but then again I'm Craze and do things like that all the time and then never touch them again.

My suggestions:
Spiritual Nexus
--must include some sort of spirit or spirituality (loose terminology!)
--should use plenty of purple
--must feature at least one of these: an undead character, a murder, or a cult

Tribute to Torneko Taloon
--must include currency and some sort of interactive shop (default RM* shops are fine)
--should involve some sort of flowers or floral patterns*
--must feature at least one of these: a theft, legendary weapons, or an abacus

--must include sexual innuendo
--should feature some sort of customization
--must feature at least one of these: rampant homosexuality, a martial artist, or demons

*This has nothing to do with Torneko.

Time Travel
Cheesy old Kung Fu flicks
Super France
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
Being Upside-Down
Medieval France.
Or Strange Dwellings.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence

1. A gritty counter-terrorism drama.

2. A searing critique of the Western educational system.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Max, your ideas are too limiting. I understand that this is NOT a democracy here but man...

<Max> No, I'm not.
*Thread derailed.


Style of the Admiral
--Must include a title involving a popular television show
--should use slightly avant-garde text
--must feature at least one of these: love, war, searing critiques
Everyone's a giant(ess) for a day!
Atari 2600 RPG!
Final Fantasy if it were on the N64. Or Genesis/Mega Drive.
Play the game backwards.

Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
hahahahahaha Craze of all people thought I was serious hahahahaha
I loved running these! They're always fun, I encourage everyone to do this!

Ok, so themes...

1. The kind of game they just don't make anymore.
2. If today's graphics-heavy games had yesterday's gameplay and storylines.
3. A Fantasy-RPG Character inserted into a Steampunk World.
4. A Steampunk RPG character inserted into a Fantasy-RPG world.
5. The sun ceases to exist. What do you, the driver, do?
6. Silent Film Era meets 1990's RPG.
7. Mage from some fantasy RPG wakes up one morning and suddenly realizes he is now living in a flat with a small dog and no food in his newfound fridge. He has no idea where he is, and his stomach is growling... may or may not include a phone call from someone.
8. Chinese knock-off of some real RPG (this gives you guys FINALLY the excuse you need to rip from all those games we know you're ripping from!)
9. The earth has just swallowed the hero's girlfriend. Use any setting or characters or justification you need, but the game can ONLY consist of this plot on the whole.
(drag it out for some fun effects!)
10. What the world would be like if EVERYONE acted like ____________ does on RMN.

Ok, I think that's enough stream of consciousness topics...
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
Are we all out of themes?
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
Time travel in a DeLorean.
GreatRedSpirit's avatars.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Will and Grace.
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