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Ailment, Buff, and Debuff Compendium


KOWhen a hero hits 0 HP they become KO'd and are incapacitated and cannot take any actions. Watch out, some enemies can KO a hero instantly!
PoisonWhen a hero is afflicted by poison they take 13% of their maximum HP as damage each turn.
When an enemy is afflicted with poison they take the damage that caused the poison each turn. If it is refreshed the poison damage takes the greater damage value.
DarknessReduces accuracy by 33%.
SilenceA silenced hero cannot use abilities that cost MP.
ConfusionA confused hero cannot be controlled and will randomly attack allies.
SleepA sleeping hero cannot take any actions. Once they take damage they will wake up.
ParalysisA paralyzed hero cannot take any actions. Unlike sleep you must wait it out or remove it with a healing item or ability.
StunA stunned hero cannot take any actions. Unlike paralysis it only lasts for one turn however equipment that grants resistance to stun is very rare.


ATK UpIncreases ATK by 50%.
DEF UpIncreases DEF by 50%.
SPI UpIncreases SPI by 50%.
AGI UpIncreases AGI by 50%. Also increases HIT and EVA by a flat +20%.
Critical BoostIncreases critical damage multiplier by 2.
HP DoubleIncreases maximum HP by 100%. Does not change current HP.
HP RegenRecover 13% HP per turn.
MP RegenRecover 10% MP per turn.
BarrierNegate all damage once. Barriers have no duration, instead they last until their bearer takes damage which the barrier negates. Barriers can stack and each barrier must be removed with an attack individually.
ChallengeGreatly increase the chance of an enemy attacking this hero.
ReraiseWhen a character with Reraise is reduced to zero HP instead of becoming KO'd they recover HP to half their maximum. Their action, if not yet taken, is preserved as are ailments, buffs, and debuffs except the Reraise buff.
Debuff ImmuneRemove and prevent the further application of debuffs. Has no effect if the target has the Buff Immune debuff.
Poison ImmunePrevent application of the Poison ailment.
Darkness ImmunePrevent application of the Darkness ailment.
Silence ImmunePrevent application of the Silence ailment.
Confusion ImmunePrevent application of the Confusion ailment.
Sleep ImmunePrevent application of the Sleep ailment.
Paralysis ImmunePrevent application of the Paralysis ailment.
Stun ImmunePrevent application of the Stun ailment.
Ailment ImmunePrevent application of all ailments except KO.
Phys GuardResist physical damage, reducing it by half.
Fire GuardResist fire damage, reducing it by half.
Ice GuardResist ice damage, reducing it by half.


ATK DownDecrease ATK by 25%.
DEF DownDecrease DEF by 25%.
SPI DownDecrease SPI by 25%.
AGI DownDecrease AGI by 25%. Also decrease HIT and EVA by a flat -20%.
Recovery DownReduce the potency of healing received by 50%.
Buff ImmuneRemove and prevent the further application of buffs. Has no effect if the target has the Debuff Immune buff.

"You can see what ailments and debuffs enemies can inflict when you scan them! Some items can give you immunities to ailments so consider using them proactively."

~~ THE END ~~