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Locked away is a cutlass, but the question is how will you get it from the commander?
  • maia
  • Added: 07/19/2009 06:18 PM
  • Last updated: 12/27/2024 07:55 AM


Pages: 1
That shadow under the bridge in the bottom right corner looks really off with the fact that the bridge is supposed to be way higher then that based on the walls around it, the shadow however kills that effect. Just pointing it out.

Other then that flaw the map looks amazing, well done!
You are right! I will fix it! Thanks for noticing.
Someone detailed this for me and it looks better :-)
why not update the pic then? :P
Also you need to fix the stream going underneath the bridge. It hasn't be pasted properly so it looks as though it stops before the bridge.
Those boxes (I guess they are boxes) in the top left corner look kinda weird without the top tile.
Pages: 1