Game Title: Twenties Flappers vs The Mummy
Game Creator: thecatamites
Reviewer: AznChipmunk
Engine: Adventure Game Studio
Genre: Adventure
Plot: This was great. I loved the dialogue, and I liked the plot. There was a clear sense of what to do the entire time, and it is pretty funny. The characters had a pretty defined personality, although there wasn't much depth to them (it's only like a 10 minute game though.)
Gameplay: Adventure-game style gameplay (my favorite.) Basically similar to any other adventure game's gameplay. The puzzles all make sense, and are pretty easy, yet fun to solve. However, controls were a bit confusing--it wasn't clear how to access the inventory until I looked in the readme. And then, it wasn't clear how to use the inventory and the information wasn't included in the readme. (It was a bit confusing since the mouse graphic didn't change like most AGS games I've played.)
Graphics: Sloppy looking, but it works. It's all handdrawn, sort of a quick pencil sketchy type looking style. It all is cohesive at least, and works for what it needs to do.
Music & Sound: Music was alright. It wasn't too noticeable of an aspect, but eh, it worked. I really like Dance Macabre, although I didn't think it fit the game. I don't think there were any sound effects.
Creativity & Originality: The gameplay itself isn't unique or original, but the whole wacky premise, including the plot, writing, and general style make it unique. It has a comedic flair to it, and the dialogue is interesting to read throughout the entire game.
-Fun, not too hard to solve like some adventure games
-Short, almost too easy really
Final Score:
3 and a QUARTER WELPS out of 5 WELPS
Final Comments/Notes: Fun and short. Could be more to it, but eh, it's good for something made in one day.