Game Title: Pumpkin Night Game Creator: crossroad00
Reviewer: AznChipmunk
Engine: RPGMaker 2003
Genre: Arcade
This game... has almost nothing to it. There is no real plot. The instructional text is almost unreadable. The gameplay is uninteresting... There is almost nothing to say about this game, except it seems like something that could've been made in 5 minutes. (Unless the graphics are custom, but STILL.)
Is it even possible to break 1000?
This game. How do I explain?
Basically. Open up RPGMaker. Set start party position on a map. Make an event that randomly moves. Then, have the commands add 10 to a variable, make the event flash, and randomly appear elsewhere. Paste this event several times.
YOU'VE JUST MADE PUMPKIN NIGHT. No seriously, that is pretty much most of Pumpkin Night. It feels like someone saw the contest, and decided to put something together last minute to submit. I cannot give this game a high score. There could be much more done.
The hero freezes for a second or two when you pick a pumpkin up. This freeze could be taken out. Score multipliers could be added. Combos could be added. Enemies, things to avoid could be added. Different pumpkin types could be added, varying maps could be added, the map could be stretched, a plotline could be added. Powerups could be added. And there's much more!