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Plugin Source Code: V0.1.05a Download
Developer Version: V0.1.15a Download
Documentation: V0.1.15a Download


The WeaponBirth Engine plugin (wbe) is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Acknex is a proprietary library that handles the basic system interface and 3D graphics, but the plugin is not.

Once built, you can make a new 3DGameStudio project. Copy wbirth.wdl and the sys folder into your game's project folder. Be sure to put the newly compiled wbe.dll file into that sys folder. You will need to also have the following folders made in that project folder:

bin - this is the binary folder containing all the compiled stuff
charset - contains 3x4 frame sprite sheets (32x32 pixels a frame)
data - contains the compendium scripts
face - contains all the face pictures (96x96 pixels a face picture)
icon - contains all the icons (16x16 pixels an icon)
map - contains all the maps (put your .wmb files here)
script - contains all the event scripts

It's easier to just copy these folders from the development version of the game.

It should run from here on and you can use the engine plugin.

Developer Version

This is the full game, but you can edit it in your copy of 3DGameStudio. The project will work just like the full game, but it might be slower. You can modify the scripts (compendium and events) and it will reflect the changes next time you run. This is what you want if you want to edit/test my game and have minimal knowledge of programming in general.