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  • Ravenite1
  • Added: 10/06/2010 11:19 PM
  • Last updated: 12/26/2024 03:44 PM


Pages: 1
The hero is standing in a suitable position and the enemy sprites match the style and size of the battler. No complaints from me.
The hero is standing in a suitable position and the enemy sprites match the style and size of the battler. No complaints from me.

Thanks, although I could say that the positioning of the squirrels could be a bit better I will probably work on that.
Only one complaint, a personal pet peeve: squirrels in a cave??? I applaud you on the name Coco however :) great job!
Only one complaint, a personal pet peeve: squirrels in a cave??? I applaud you on the name Coco however :) great job!

Lol maybe evil squirrels would hang out in a cave? Haha well if you think it's odd I could put something else instead.
No, I'm sure there is some context to it in the game itself :) just knowing nothing about it though, then I'm curious why
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
Pages: 1