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Such Event

I decided to stay with this style of displaying events. They're sure to stand out when they're at half scale with the surrounding map, but this time you get to see all of them (as opposed to those tiny square cutout windows you got in RPG Maker 2003). Remaining is the editing of existing events, their deletion, the format they have when compiled, and then having them display in the engine properly.

Always report illegal dumping.


Pages: 1
How is positioning handled for large events? For example, that mountain. Is the sprite lined up with the grid or is the event box lined up? Which would cause the mountain to be misaligned. I can imagine times where you would want both. For example a 2 tile wide door that you want to be slightly offset to match up with the hero sprite. Will I be able to control that?
So, the event is based on tile.
After seeing it... how about event based on tile rectangle (you make an abstract transparent square tile, also keep the arrow at the corner of the rectangle to indicate where the start and the end are)? That way you can applied an event square and combined rectangle.

Also.... yay for progress update! \ :D /
Good luck for the next progress! \ :D /

Sometimes I'll want the sprite to show in the middle of the grid and sometimes I'll want it lined up with the grid.
That volcano will fill the four tiles ingame. It's just shown at half size to make it clash on purpose with the tiles so you know it's an event (and for the event marquee to be more apparent). The marquee shows you how big it is ingame.
Pages: 1