The story begins with a population of demi-human elves who live on the floating continent of Aerion, where peace reigned for decades, however, an attack from out of no where blasts the floating continent out of the sky leaving the citizens scattered from their home.
You play as Rad, one of the citizens who's home was destroyed by the mysterious assailant, wanting to find answers for the reasons of your lands destruction, you will encounter old friends along with new ones which will help decide the fate of a world you have never stepped foot on: Gaia.
NOTE: If there is any bugs in the game, please provide screenshots so that I may have a easier time to locate said bugs and fix them. Thank you.
You play as Rad, one of the citizens who's home was destroyed by the mysterious assailant, wanting to find answers for the reasons of your lands destruction, you will encounter old friends along with new ones which will help decide the fate of a world you have never stepped foot on: Gaia.
NOTE: If there is any bugs in the game, please provide screenshots so that I may have a easier time to locate said bugs and fix them. Thank you.
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