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Two Days and Two Nights

New Eden Gate Gameplay Trailer is up! Check the front page to see it, thanks.

-Lotus Games


Pages: 1
It's not a gameplay trailer. There's no real gameplay; it's just the same thing for 10 minutes straight. And it's too long to be a trailer, IMO.

Also, this announcement is too lazy short to be worth a blog. At least paste in here what you put in the main page or something... *sigh*
Thanks for your interest, I'll put the media in my blogs next time.
You do like every little detail. It seems lovely, and transitions between the climate and that stuff are smooth and nice.
Anyway, now I know what I can wait to see when this thing comes out in therms of ambientation. And I've seen the gameplay stuff, so I can guess a little about how it would be in those aspects.

Very nice and detailed game, hope to get it on my dirty hands soon =D,
Orochii Zouveleki
@Orochii: Thanks so much for your support =]
You are perceptive thank you, the point of the trailer was to emphasize details of atmosphere and ambiance so I'm glad that was apparent. Also I never mentioned this but you can also attack the butterflies you see in that game-play video, just to point out the interaction I am going for. But maybe when I make an action trailer/proper marketing trailer you will see more of that sort of gameplay.

I can't wait for you to try the game out, thanks again!


P.S. If you stick around for the last 30 seconds or so of the trailer you see footage of the Ocarina and a song you can learn and its affects on the environment.
Pages: 1