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Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm is on the following playlists...
Play List User Description
Games that I like or have RogerJr Just interesting for me games
to play dizzydwarf
Played, Playing. FreeRPGFiend What i'm doing and have done.
Play List WickedRoger Default Playlist
Play List Mr_Whizzel Default Playlist
Play List fujimiya Default Playlist
Play List SilentAngel Default Playlist
Play List tans12 Default Playlist
Completed Games Hopyoprop Play list of all the games I have played before
Play List Cartylove Default Playlist
Play List iozzilemu Default Playlist
Play List ikelle1 Default Playlist
Play List rncobernroxan Default Playlist
Play List idontsleep Default Playlist
Play List VampirePrincess Default Playlist
Play List TRGG Default Playlist
Play List Narita_Suzushii Default Playlist
Play List Lissa Default Playlist
Downloaded Skyviper Default Playlist
RPGs ModeGone Original RPGs that are a blast. Whether it is plotline, graphics, or something unusual about the combat system.
Plan to play Zachfoss Games I want to play! but when? duh duh duuhhhhhhhhh
to playy lil_dragon
RPG Lets Plays Dre0218 Games I need to play.
Old Favorites ModeGone Games I remember loving in the past. Currently before the year 2017. Some of these are dead, sadly, and some I would love to had placed in this list are no longer available at all.