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Couple more days to the big reveal!

  • sbester
  • 06/28/2012 05:10 PM
I didn't blog as much as I said I would. I didn't want to annoy people too much with this, so that's pretty much the only reason I have.

Anyways, this is yet another reminder that the big reveal is VERY CLOSE! I've been piecing away at finishing the first chapter, and while it is just about finished... it is going to require quite a bit more polish before I consider it complete. Making all of the battle animations has been taking up a lot of my time, so I've been bouncing back and forth between that and mapping/eventing. Not to go into specifics, but mapping for the project is mostly complete overall, and I mean the entire project. Eventing, however, is going to take months and months to do.

Anyways, I've worked a bit on this game this week, but mostly I've been relaxing from rm. Working on 3 major projects is definitely a lot of work, and taking a break is often a good idea. Not too long a break, of course, because then you don't end up finishing anything.


Pages: 1
Also added 1 last pic to tide everyone over til the reveal. It's nothing special or new, but the wait shan't be long!
Was Built From Pixels Up
Mapping for an entire project before putting in events? That's ambitious, although a very good sounding idea; I must try it for my main project :)

"NM" is looking good so far; tileset art looks fresh at least, if not perfect, and I'm curious about these mech battles. Keep it up, but don't dare name it "Nightmare"! Way too cliche for a big reveal ;)
Haha it's definitely not called Nightmare, so no worries there.
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