The story is about the life of a boy named Taer. In this world, certain tribes are born with special abilities known as the wing essence. The story begins with the young Taer fleeing from a battlefield as his father fights off countless monsters. The world is currently at war with the all-powerful essence of the dragon and Phoenix. The Sacred Hawk, Vulture, Wasp, and Raven tribes formed an alliance to fend off the monstrosities that are the Phoenix and Dragon wing essence tribes. Taer successfully flees from the battle as he watches everything he holds dear being torn apart and slaughtered like cattle. 12 years later, he is found as a menace to society and a traveling mercenary. Though so much time has passed, he has yet to forget the past, nor has he forgiven...
"I swear that one day... I will definitely get everything back... Everything that I have lost."
by: Taer Vysker(A.K.A. Kyenta) -In the novel the main character's name was Kyenta-
- Class change system
- Yanfly Battle system(CATB)
- Questing System
- Item synthesis(Kread-EX)
- Voice acting(pending)
- Arena Battles
- easter eggs and other fun additions tribute to other games or animé
And more to come!
Project is aided by, "End Productions"
The story is about the life of a boy named Taer. In this world, certain tribes are born with special abilities known as the wing essence. The story begins with the young Taer fleeing from a battlefield as his father fights off countless monsters. The world is currently at war with the all-powerful essence of the dragon and Phoenix. The Sacred Hawk, Vulture, Wasp, and Raven tribes formed an alliance to fend off the monstrosities that are the Phoenix and Dragon wing essence tribes. Taer successfully flees from the battle as he watches everything he holds dear being torn apart and slaughtered like cattle. 12 years later, he is found as a menace to society and a traveling mercenary. Though so much time has passed, he has yet to forget the past, nor has he forgiven...
"I swear that one day... I will definitely get everything back... Everything that I have lost."
by: Taer Vysker(A.K.A. Kyenta) -In the novel the main character's name was Kyenta-
- Class change system
- Yanfly Battle system(CATB)
- Questing System
- Item synthesis(Kread-EX)
- Voice acting(pending)
- Arena Battles
- easter eggs and other fun additions tribute to other games or animé
And more to come!
Project is aided by, "End Productions"