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Another game to add to the already quite large pool of existing Yume Nikki fangames. In this game, the player takes control over a girl named Umiko as she explores her dreams. Gameplay is simple: You safe at your PC and you enter the dream world by going to bed. Once in the dream world, Umiko can visit numerous surreal worlds, find effects that change her appearance (and give her new abilities) and collect Mementos, which are needed in order to complete the game. While exploring the dream world, the player is encouraged to interpret the different events, locations and NPCs they encounter to uncover Umikos backstory.

I tried to make the game a bit easier to navigate than the average fangame, but there are still huge areas to explore and get lost in. The tone of the game ranges from light and fluffy to dark and creepy but is probably less grim than most fangames overall. All graphics are either heavily edited or drawn by me. Usagi also boasts an original soundtrack composed by myself and my good friend Slank. While the game is certainly cryptic, there IS a coherent back story and a lot of thought went into each character and location in the game.

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Video Playthrough

Youtube user Chiruno Flan uploaded a playthrough of my game on YouTube.
If you're interested, check it out here:

  • Completed
  • LunarRabbit
  • RPG Tsukuru 2003
  • Adventure
  • 05/22/2013 12:07 PM
  • 02/23/2024 11:07 AM
  • 05/02/2013
  • 72270
  • 14
  • 2471


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I have decided! I will play this game and review it! (Another Yume Nikki fangame, squeeeee~)
Aaaaand I have a problem. When I try to go outside, the game says I need a file named 'klot'.

Edit: It also happens when I try to go to sleep. That's... kinda awkward.
Aaaaand I have a problem. When I try to go outside, the game says I need a file named 'klot'.

Edit: It also happens when I try to go to sleep. That's... kinda awkward.

Hmm, someone at Uboachan had the same problem. Check if there is a file named "klot<" and rename it to "klot・".
It's kinda weird, because the game works just fine for me and my friends but you're the second person reporting it. I'm gonna try to fix it and then upload a new download.

Edit: Also, thanks for wanting to write a review for the game! I hope the problem get's fixed soon.^^
Nyaha! Brilliant, it works! Thank you~
Ah, glad it works!^^
I figured out what the problem was. In the balcony area there is a file which uses an Umlaut (I use a german PC), which I guess might fuck with some non-german PCs.
I changed it now and upload the fixed version.
Sry, for the inconvenience. -_-
i need help with it. i got like 2 effects. bunny and devil. also the bunny girls make freaky weird sounds!
Okay, to confirm: there are 5 effects (of which only three have any mechanical effect) and 14 Mementos, right?

If there are 14, I'm still missing one.
Yes, there are 14 Mementos, but there are actually 6 effects. The last effect and Memento might be a bit hard to find, though. Which effects do you have?
Edit: There's also 2 different endings, so don't be disappointed when you get a bad one first.^^
@lolsj: Explore everywhere. All areas will either have an effect or Memento in them or lead to another area which does. Some will even have both. Good luck!

@Lunar Rabbit: The effects I have are Bunny, Ghost, Red Hair, Devil and Vampire. The Mementos I have are Stuffed Rabbit, Panties, Cigarettes, Dress, Fish, Lipstick, Handkerchief, Computer, Guinea Pig, Pencil, Camera, Doll and Sock. Wow, that's a long list.
Ah, I thought so. The last effect and the last Memento really are kind of hard to find. Here's what you gotta do:

Go to the Empty City, to the place with the ambulance. There's a strange, white symbol on the wall. Equip the ghost effect and you will find a hidden path. It leads to a new area where the last Memento and the last Effect are hidden.
Hm, I can't figure out the trigger for the second ending. I thought it might have been to talk to the guy on the balcony with the uniform equipped, after collecting all Mementos and effects, but I didn't get a response.
Nah, it's a bit more complicated than that. But I don't think I should spoil it. I think half the fun in these games comes from discovering the more hidden things yourself. But if you really want to know, I could send you a PM.

So, um, what did you think?^^
It's pretty good, from what I've seen. Some parts, like the maze, were a bit annoying though. Once I find the second ending, I'll post a review proper. ^_^
Cool, I'm looking forward to that. Yeah, the maze is a bit annoying. It was much worse originally though.^^
This is pretty trippy and amazing. Is this all done by two people?
Thanks Fedora!:) Yeah, this was done by me with some additional music from Slank.
I can't unlock the good ending either and I'm out of ideas'' could you give some instructions, please? Anyway, great game! The "story" is very intriguing~
I can't unlock the good ending either and I'm out of ideas'' could you give some instructions, please? Anyway, great game! The "story" is very intriguing~

I send you a PM with instructions on how to get the good ending. Glad that you like the story.;)
Hello, LunarRabbit.
First, good game. It has an interesting atmosphere,
and is very vast in its contents ^^
Second, can you help me with one thing?
I only achieved the same ending when I play the game...
What I have to do in order to get the second ending?
Well, good luck in your next projects, and thank you for the attention o/
I like that the location of the devil effect basically guarantees that you will be caught by the chaser after you try to leave with it. That's... cheeky.
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