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Does it look SNES enough? :3
  • polarcactus
  • Added: 02/11/2015 05:31 PM
  • Last updated: 12/26/2024 01:43 PM


Pages: 1
Mm, I'd say it looks a bit too nice to be snes? But it's a very good look; defs has that nice retro feel going on. <w<
Nice job~ <3
Does it need any alterations, maybe?
Nah, I don't think so. I dig it the way it is~
It still FEELS retro, which is the important thing, imo.
Yes, it is my intention to make it look retro. ^^ It is a bit of a pain to do all the tilesets, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.
TOTALLY <3 Having a unique looking game is super rad. I'm so excited that you're doing this!
You're magical to me.
Yeah, I agree with emmych! Definitely looking good :DDDD
I'm glad you like it so far. Makes my the pains in my aching right hand all worth it. ^^
It feels somehow like the old, beautiful PC-98 games! Truly a good thing. *U*
I think the overall prettiness of the screen could also be due to the fact that I'm using SoM's colour palette. And yes, the pixels are too small for SNES-era ( I use a 1x1 brush instead of a 2x2 one ) but I'm still liking how it's coming out.
for the SNES yeah, but roughly in the same era we had the PC-98!

which had 640x480 in resolution, BUT a limited color palette. Distinctively retro, surpritingly sharp. ;w;
I can send you some more screenshots for reference if you enjoy them, or you can google "PC-98 rpgs". hardcoregaming101 has some pretty nice articles on the console, full with awesome screenshots.
Thanks, Joe. I'll be sure to reference them in future. Actually, now I'm killing time at work and ogling SD3's gorgeous screens.
Pages: 1