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  • polarcactus
  • Added: 10/28/2015 06:44 PM
  • Last updated: 12/26/2024 01:36 PM


Pages: 1
This is a tad too square'y. I have no idea what's going on at the bottom of the map. Is that a bridge? If so, is Ira standing on a higher ledge than where those water pails are? I can't tell. Also, what're those darker spots of road. And the desert section has no appropriate border with the roadway.
Sorry if I sound nitpicky :|
Nah, it't not a bridge, just a different coloured road ( the upper part was supposed to be a raised platform, but I suppose it's not visible with the way I took the screen >< ). The area is supposed to look fairly dodgy, so I used different tiles to indicate a worn and well-trod road. Though I should probably just stick to two types of road tile.

Maybe that iteration of the town works better.
Pages: 1