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Eve Evercroft
The protagonist of the game. Eve has what is called: "Selfs". The PRISON self, and the Reality self/True self.

Eve Evercroft -PRISON self-

(Full version can be found in the gallery or here: http://bloodspirit0.deviantart.com/art/Eve-Evercroft-Prison-Self-01-454232615?ga_submit_new=10%253A1400156771

BIO-It's been 6 mounts ever since Eve Evercroft began to have a recurring nightmare which she cannot remember. For 6 months, Eve had to experience a horrible cycle, a PRISON made just for her, by the trapped warden, Tobias Bohr. But one night, Eve had broke a small detail in the cycle, and she managed to break free. Now, her dream self, her PRION self, her subconscious, has the ability to roam free in the PRISON realm, and move from one's PRISON, to another. Now, her goal is to travel to Tobias Bohr's PRISON, and prevent this from happening to anyone else.

While in the PRISON, Eve Evercroft has a younger form, as herself at the age of 15, who also holds the personality held at that age (focused, serious, a risk taker, a curios girl, somewhat-of-a-loner-somewhat-not), and has the rule has Eve's subconscious, helping Eve to become more aware to the situation, even if its by a small amount of awareness.

Eve can use 4 types of weapons: gun, knife, hammer and axe.
